Lothians and Edinburgh Abstinence Programme (LEAP) NHS Lothian | Our Services

Mutual Aid, Recovery Communities and Peer Support

Mutual Aid

Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous and SMART Recovery meetings provide social and emotional support as well as offering a programme of recovery.

Studies show an association with better long term positive outcomes for recovering people who attend the groups. We ask that patients start attending mutual aid groups before they come for assessment. Mutual aid meeting attendance and connection to community recovery resources are important components of the programme at LEAP. For more information please follow the links on the home page.

Recovery communities

People in recovery are at the heart of this. We facilitate attendance at organised recovery community events and have close links to a variety of resources across recovery communities in Lothian.

Peer Support

Peer-led support is developing in Lothian in health, social care and voluntary sector services. LEAP has a peer support programme which incorporates training and support. Peer support volunteers are involved in many parts of the therapeutic programme and offer lived experience and practical support to patients on the programme.