Lanfine Service NHS Lothian | Our Services

My walking is getting worse and I’m having more falls

  • Ensure that you are making full use of any walking aids you have available to you to help support your balance/mobility
  • Ensure that you keep your mobile phone on your person to ensure that you can summon help easily in the event that you do have a fall
  • If you have access to a wheelchair which you can use within your home, consider using this to travel between rooms to reduce the distances you require to walk, if you are having frequent falls. Try to get wheelchair as close to the receiving surface as possible, to reduce the distance you require to travel when transferring
  • Try to move regularly around your home to reduce muscle stiffness
  • See link for information about falls and what to do in the event of a fall https://www.mstrust.org.uk/a-z/falls
  • The NHS inform website also has useful information and videos about what to do if you have a fall: https://www.nhsinform.scot/healthy-living/preventing-falls/dealing-with-a-fall/what-to-do-if-you-fall