Lanfine Service NHS Lothian | Our Services

I’m feeling anxious or low in mood

You may be feeling anxious and upset for many reasons right now and being isolated can make these feelings worse as you may not be able to access the supports you once had. 

The following websites provide important information on what you can do to help yourself as well as organisations you can contact to talk to someone.

See our Neuropsychology (Adult) NHS Lothian website for information on general self help:

The websites ‘Moodcafe’ and ‘Centre of Clinical Interventions’ also provide useful information on a wide range of psychological difficulties:

https://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/Resources/Looking-After-Yourself/Anxiety https://www.moodcafe.co.uk/practitioners-resources/anxiety.aspx

Contact Breathing Space on 0800 838587 or the Samaritans on 116 123 for telephone support.

If you begin to feel suicidal and think that you are going to act on these thoughts but not imminently (ie. it is not an emergency) you should call the NHS helpline on 111.

If you need urgent help call 999 and ask for an ambulance or contact the Mental Health Assessment Service (MHAS) on 0131 537 6000(*).

(* Please Note: This is a central NHS Lothian Switchboard. Please be prepared to specify which site you’re looking to contact)