Consider if there are any obvious triggers:
- Are you drinking enough?
- Could you have a urine infection of chest infection? ( Contact your GP if you suspect you have an infection)
- Do you have any new skin breaks?
- Are you having new issues with pain?
- Are you well supported when lying in bed, sitting up in your chair?
- Have you been feeling more anxious?
- Are you mobilising less often than you normally would?
- Are you taking your medication as prescribed or have you been missing doses?
- Before getting up from chair/bed try to move your feet and legs to help prepare the muscles for movement which may reduce your experience of spasms when you stand/transfer. If you have access to an electric bed or electric recliner, consider making use of the knee break/leg elevator to move your legs prior to transfer.
- If experiencing increased extensor spasms at night e.g. legs shooting out straight, consider sleeping with a pillow under your knees
- If when lying in bed your legs are resting very close together consider using two pillows (one under each knee) to create a “t-roll” shape . There is a leaflet with photos in the Self Help Information Section of this webpage
- There is more information on Spasticity in the Self Help Information Section. See leaflet on Positive approaches to movement and posture