Our Carer Support Officer’s role is to offer support to unpaid carers of people with progressive neurological conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis, Huntington’s Disease, Multiple System Atrophy and Parkinson’s Disease.

The type of support may include helping carers to access respite or breaks from care, or services that will help their physical, emotional and financial wellbeing.
Carers of service users who have been an in-patient in the Lanfine service may be eligible to apply for short break funding of up to £1000 from the Lanfine Breaks from Caring Fund (please contact the Carer Support Officer if you wish to discuss eligibility).
The Carer Support Officer can also offer information to carers about different types of support available from local authority and charitable organisations.
This may include how to access a Carer’s Support Plan from the council or signposting to your local carers centre.
Carers can access support from this service by directly contacting Keith Lugton or being referred by another health and social care professional.
Keith Lugton
Carer Support Officer
Lanfine Service
Astley Ainslie Hospital
Tel 0131 537 9087.