Health and Care Professions Research NHS Lothian | Our Services

Clinical and Academic Homes

NHS Lothian has developed a comprehensive framework for the implementation of Clinical and Academic Homes for nurses, midwives, allied health professionals, pharmacists and healthcare scientists (NMAHPPS) in the following institutions:

  • Edinburgh Napier University
  • Queen Margaret University
  • Robert Gordon University
  • Stirling University
  • University of Edinburgh

The aims of Clinical and Academic Homes are to foster career development opportunities, enhance collaboration and develop capacity and capability in the four pillars of practice identified in the NHS Education for Scotland (NES) NMAHP Post Registration Career Framework (NES, 2020).

  • Clinical Practice
  • Education/Learning
  • Leadership
  • Evidence, Research & Development

‘Clinical Homes’ are intended for academic NMAHPPS staff and are set up in defined clinical or other professional services within NHS Lothian and confer an appropriate honorary title aligned to the relevant professional post graduate career framework

‘Academic Homes’ are intended for clinical NMAHPPS staff to make a contribution professional practice, education and research programmes within specific academic departments and confer an honorary title in line with the individual institution’s processes. 

What is the Clinical and Academic Home Framework?

This narrated PowerPoint explains the aims behind the Framework, the features of a clinical or academic home and the benefits for NHS staff, academic staff and the organisations.

Examples of Clinical and Academic Homes

Gosha Wojcik Jan 2025
Clinical Home – Evidence, Research & Development –  Dr Gosha Wojcik, Lecturer & Post-doctoral Researcher at Edinburgh Napier University. Gosha has a dual background in critical care nursing and public policy, and a PhD in behavioural science. Alongside her academic position, she holds an Honorary Advanced Research Fellow role in NHS Lothian, where she works on integrating research into clinical practice, particularly focusing on quality improvement in critical care. Gosha sees NHS Lothian as a crucial partner, offering extensive networking opportunities that extend beyond critical care to foster collaborative research, especially in the area of antimicrobial resistance. Gosha’s key objectives include strengthening partnerships with NHS Lothian’s critical care units, supporting nursing staff in quality improvement projects, and assisting in the evaluation and dissemination of research findings through publications and conferences. Her work involves close collaboration with clinicians and academics, ensuring continuous communication regarding current and future PhD studies, and providing guidance in research activities through supervision or co-investigator roles.
Academic Home – All pillars of practice: Dr Charlie Chung, AHP Stroke Strategic Lead/Consultant Occupational Therapist in NHS Lothian has recently started his Academic Home as an Honorary Fellow at Queen Margaret University in the Division of Occupational Therapy and Arts Therapies. Charlie is spending a day a month with the university with mentorship from Dr. Duncan Pentland, Head of Division. Charlie’s objectives span all four pillars of practice and include: establishing a research methodology for an intended executive functioning cohort study in stroke; exploring service development themes through scheduled collaborative events between NHS Lothian OTs and the QMU OT department , thereby modelling the clinical academic pathway; facilitating QMU allied health profession collaboration in Lothian stroke service development; teaching input to maintain up-to-date stroke and occupational therapy information for students.
Charlie Chung Dec 2024 Bio photo

What does a Clinical /Academic Home Partnership look like?

Dr Alison Wood, Lecturer, Queen Margaret University & Honorary Consultant in Non-Medical Prescribing and Margot McCulloch, Lead Nurse for Advancing Roles and Non-Medical Prescribing, NHS Lothian talk about their Clinical Academic Partnership in Non-Medical Prescribing. They explore the benefits of having a formal agreement and clear objectives for their partnership.

More information is available in Clinical and Academic Homes Guidance

Full information is available detailing the background, governance and monitoring of the Lothian Clinical and Academic Homes Framework

Please access the following pages for examples of clinical academic homes and the process for setting up a home or partnership.

More examples of Clinical and Academic Homes

How to set up a Clinical or Academic Home

For further information please contact the following professional lead:

Nursing and MidwiferyProfessor Juliet MacArthur, Chief Nurse Research & Developmentjuliet.macarthur@nhs.scot
Allied Health ProfessionsAndy Peters, AHP Strategic Lead for Research & Developmentandy.peters@nhs.scot
PharmacyElaine Rankine, Head of Pharmacy Education, Research & Developmentelaine.rankine@nhs.scot