Ear Reconstruction & Atresia Service NHS Lothian | Our Services

Our Team

The Autologous Ear Reconstruction Service is a multi-disciplinary team. This means that different types of clinicians work together to give you the best possible care. 


Our co-ordinator will be your first point of contact with the Ear Reconstruction Service. They will organise the clinics and can make and change Out Patient Clinic appointments, give information regarding the waiting times for surgery and advise you of the best person to speak to should you have any particular worries or concerns.


Consultant Plastic Surgeon – Ken Stewart

Ken is a Consultant Plastic Surgeon in the NHS. He specialises in building and reshaping ears. Mr Stewart will talk to both the parents and the child about their concerns. After examining the relevant areas he will explain to the family the options for reconstruction of the missing or misshapen ear(s). 

Usually we find it best to explain to both the parents and child, in appropriate language, the likely surgical options. If, for any reason, you would like the conversation limited or for any topics to be avoided or discussed without your child present then please let us know at the beginning of the consultation.

Mr Stewart has well over a decade of experience treating patients with microtia and misshapen ears, having learned from all the leading experts internationally and continues to keep connected with other specialist ear surgeons around the world. This ensures that the team is always delivering the best possible treatment.


Consultant Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Surgeon – Alex Bennett (Edinburgh), Kerrie McAllister (Glasgow), Patrick Spielmann (Dundee) 

The ENT surgeons are locally based depending on which clinic you attend. If the patient has microtia, the ENT surgeon can explain how this might affect hearing. They can discuss the results of audiology tests. They will also advise about options for maintaining and improving hearing.


Nurse Specialist – Kerr Clapperton

Kerr is a registered nurse who specialises in the support and treatment of patients with microtia and other issues of the outer ear. Kerr is the main point of contact for information and advice for patients and their families.

Kerr helps prepare children for any surgical procedures and provides specialist inpatient and follow-up care. He will likely also be present during your child’s procedure, acting as part of the operating theatre team.

After your any consultation, Kerr can speak with you separately to give you more details about the possible treatment options or to clarify what has been said. He will ensure you and your child have the best possible understanding of what is being discussed at any given time.


Clinical Psychologist – Catriona Moffat

Dr Catriona Moffat is a Clinical Psychologist. She will meet you along with the rest of the team. She can also arrange to see you separately to discuss any areas of concern. Catriona can help with: 

  • Psychological difficulties related to appearance
  • Advice for parents
  • Coping with other people’s questions
  • Starting school/activities
  • Attending appointments (e.g. anxiety about attending, confidence about asking questions)
  • Making a decision about if and when to have surgery
  • Preparing for surgery
  • Adjusting to a new appearance
  • Managing the impact of surgery on the family
  • Any other related emotional or behavioural difficulties 


Paediatrician – Shabana Khalid (Edinburgh), Ann MacKinnon (Dundee)

At the clinic you will have the opportunity to meet, or to be referred to a paediatrician (children’s doctor) with a special interest in hearing.  

In most cases microtia is an isolated problem but the paediatrician may ask more about your child’s medical history, leading to further assessments if necessary.  If the microtia is associated with a hearing loss, the paediatrician will discuss this with you in detail. They may want to make contact with your local audiology and educational support services. 


Your child may be asked to have a hearing assessment prior to meeting the rest of the team.  This will be carried out by audiologists who specialise in assessing a child’s hearing ability.  They can also discuss the results of audiology tests and can advise about options for maintaining and improving hearing, in close collaboration with the ENT surgeons.