Ear Reconstruction & Atresia Service NHS Lothian | Our Services


Having a baby born with microtia and atresia or any associated visible difference can come as a shock and will no doubt have you looking for answers. 

What is Microtia?

Microtia (“small ear”) is a term used to describe an ear that is noticeably smaller than normal. The severity of this can range from one ear being a little smaller than the other, to complete absence of the ear (Anotia). Microtia most commonly only affects one ear but can sometimes affect both. In most cases the the ear canal can be affected too. It can either be narrow or incomplete or often absent altogether. This is know as canal atresia and will more often than not have an impact on the ear’s ability to hear. 

Microtia is a rare condition affecting about 1 in 6000 babies. 10% of whom will have bilateral microtia (affecting both ears).

What caused the Microtia?

There are a number of theories but no exact known cause for a baby being born with microtia. Microtia and atresia will usually occur in the womb by around 8 weeks when the ear is developing. Nothing you would have done during this period would have influenced this. Diabetes, bleeding in early pregnancy, genetics and environmental factors are also thought to play a part but without strong medical evidence.

How will we cope?

Whatever the reasons are for microtia, as long as there are no other health problems and any hearing issues are addressed, it is important to remember that your child will have the same needs as any other. It is important to educate yourself on potential issues in the future but try not to look too far ahead. Now is the time to embrace the challenges of early parenthood and enjoy your child the way they are.

Having a child with microtia or any associated appearance issues can feel worrying though. You may be anxious about how you or your child might cope with questions or unwanted attention. We understand that going out in to the world with your child might feel daunting. We will do our best to help your child feel confident in themselves and knowing that they have nothing to hide. For more on living with a facial difference please go to our psychology page.