Ear Reconstruction & Atresia Service NHS Lothian | Our Services

Coming to hospital

Coming to hospital or clinic for an appointment or a procedure can be stressful.  As a team we can help you with any concerns you or your child have in relation to your hospital visit, and can answer any questions about what will happen in advance or arrange a familiarisation visit.

We would recommend downloading the HospiChill app for your child, which is free and available for Android and iPhone www.hospichill.net

This app will help your child prepare in the weeks before their appointment and help them to stay calm and feel more relaxed when in hospital.

The What? Why? Children in Hospital website has useful videos about a range of investigations to help you prepare your child for hospital www.wwcih.org.uk

We also have leaflets about what to expect when coming into hospital for ear reconstruction.

For general resources related to mental health and wellbeing for children and young people, see the NHS Lothian CAMHS webpage: https://services.nhslothian.scot/camhs