Care Homes NHS Lothian | Our Services

**Hidden at present** Preparing for Winter – Infection and Outbreak Education, Information and Guidance

With the nights drawing in, we wave goodbye to the summer and say hello to the colder weather
and of course, winter bugs.

This page aims to give you information and guidance to help the residents and staff in your Care Home be more prepared for winter by providing information on prevention, testing and control of some of the most common winter illnesses, this includes respiratory and gastrointestinal infections.


Health Protection Winter Webinars

This session offered by NHS Lothian’s Health Protection Team (HPT) will refresh and update on testing processes and outbreak management in Lothian’s Care Homes.

The session will also discuss some of the most common winter illnesses that might present over the winter months alongside how to identify of these and possible interventions to try to help limit their transmission.

All teams sessions have now taken place but you can view a recording of the session below.


Vaccination is required every year because flu viruses are constantly changing and your level of protection against Flu and COVID-19 may have reduced since your last vaccine.

The vaccines offered this Autumn are available to Care Home residents and staff and will give the best possible protection against the viruses likely to be circulating this winter.

Care Home Residents – As from October 2023

Vaccination for Care Home residents has already started with consent forms sent out along with information regarding the vaccination process. If not already done so the vaccination teams will be arranging a date to visit your care home and carry out the vaccinations.

Care Home Staff

For Care Home staff appointments can be made via the National Vaccination website or by calling the National Vaccination Helpline on 0800 030 8013.

Care Home staff can also attend NHS staff clinics or be vaccinated when vaccination of residents is being undertaken in the home.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Personal protective equipment such as gloves and aprons are vital everyday equipment for
assisting with personal care.

At times of infections in individuals or outbreak situations additional PPE may be required to play a vital role in helping prevent or lessen the chance of outbreak – protecting staff and other residents from illness and infection.

For further information on what PPE to use, storage of PPE and other related infection prevention and control information please see the Care Home Infection Prevention and Control Manual (CH IPCM)

Poster on Donning
and Doffing PPE

Video On Donning and
Doffing PPE

Taken from the
Care Home Infection Prevention and
Control Manual (CH IPCM)

Communication of
Residents with Symptoms

We understand that it can be very busy in a Care Home and at times communication can be hard, especially from nightshift to day shift and visa versa.

However, it is important that if you suspect a resident of having symptoms of an infection that you communicate this to staff on your shift and also ensure that the staff on the next shift are aware of concerns. It is especially important that the person in charge of the shift is informed of this information so they can direct staff to follow extra precautions or contact HPT if they feel this is required.

It is especially important that you communicate if two or more residents share the same symptoms and have had some form of contact with each other as this may indicate a suspected outbreak.

This is so that the person or persons with symptoms can continue to be monitored and any required steps are taken – this is vital in the possible prevention or control of outbreaks.

Poster on communication

This poster has been designed to highlight the important of sharing information about symptoms – please feel free download it and print it if you wish.

Guidance for Norovirus

Norovirus is a gastrointestinal infection that causes vomiting and diarrhoea amongst other symptoms. It is also called the “winter vomiting bug” as outbreaks are common in the winter.

Please find below two resources one designed for Care Homes to offer guidance and information about Norovirus outbreaks the other guidance for the public (including staff members) on how to prevent possible infection and symptom management in themself as well as others.

Guidance Poster On Norovirus Outbreaks

Leaflet for Everyone on Prevention and Symptom Management of Norovirus

Specimen Sampling for
Suspected Norovirus

Respiratory Testing and PCR: Residents

In February 2023 a local policy was agreed re the testing and management of respiratory illnesses (including Covid-19). This policy is still in place, please see below for more details.

Summary of Testing Pathway
Please see the documents below for full details

  • A Care Home will notify the Health Protection Team (HPT) if two or more residents have respiratory symptoms
  • Where HPT suspect an outbreak they will advise the Care Home to carry out PCR testing on up to 5 symptomatic residents
  • Staff will carry out testing on identified residents and manage the samples as detailed in the documents below
  • The Care Home calls HPT for the results of testing

**Please Note**

  • For Care Homes who do not have registered nurses CET offer a session on taking specimen samples, including PCR swabs, please see their poster on the sessions which are available in November.
  • HPT will send out 10 PCR testing kits to each Care Home for winter respiratory testing for suspected outbreaks
  • PCR testing should not be carried out for a suspected outbreak unless HPT have advised this
  • PCR testing requested by other health professionals, such as a GP or ANP, should be carried out by the clinician requesting the test and the PCR tests should also be supplied by them – PCR test kits for outbreak management should only be used for outbreak management testing

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Respiratory Testing and Infection:
Guidance for Staff

This poster has been devised as a quick guide to aid staff and managers on the latest guidance to respiratory testing for staff and guidance on symptoms in relation to attendance at work.

For more in-depth information please see the HPT Winter Webinars of which a recording can be sent to you if you are unable to attend.