Outbreak Information, Guidance and Education
This page provides information and guidance to help prepare for, and how to support people, with common winter illness in a care setting.
You will find information on prevention, testing and control of illness including respiratory and gastrointestinal infections.
Please note that the most up to date national information and guidance can be can be found in the Winter Preparedness Campaign section held within Care Home Infection Prevention and Control Manual (CH IPCM) .
General Update and Overview
This short video has kindly been shared by East Region Health Protection Service and covers common winter illness, including:
- How to identify and interventions to limit transmission of winter illnesses.
- Testing processes and infection outbreak management
The presentation below was shared at our recent Care Homes and Care at Home Online Conference in October 2024.
General Infection Control – includes PPE
Personal Protective Equipment:
Personal protective equipment such as gloves and aprons are vital everyday equipment for assisting with personal care.
At times of infections in individuals or outbreak situations additional PPE may be required to play a vital role in helping prevent or lessen the chance of outbreak – protecting staff and other residents from illness and infection.
Current information on what PPE to use, storage of PPE and other related infection prevention and control information please see the national guidance Care Home Infection Prevention and Control Manual (CH IPCM)
it is vital that personal protective equipment is used correctly, this includes the putting on (donning) and taking off (doffing) of equipment such as gloves and aprons. The resources below are provided to demonstrate the correct process.
Video – the correct order for putting on, removing and disposing of PPE.
Care Home Infection Prevention and Control Manual (CH IPCM)
Poster – for reference – download below as required

Gastrointestinal Illness – includes Norovirus
Gastrointestinal Illnesses, in particular norovirus, are more prevalent in the winter months, affecting people living in care homes, relative and staff.
Below is a selection of guidance to help support care homes support the management of suspected and confirmed cases of Gastro-intestinal illness of an infectious nature amongst residents
National Guidance:
The most up to date information regarding care home Gastro-intestinal illness and infection prevention and control, can be found in the resource developed by ARHAI Scotland.
Care Home Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Resource for Gastro-intestinal illness
It is recommended that you access the information online through the link to ensure the most up to date information and guidance is accessed.
Specimen Sampling for suspected Norovirus
There are specific samples required to test for Norovirus, This poster can also be downloaded and printed off for the workplace below using the green button.

Guidance for Relatives and Visitors

Norovirus can affect everyone – residents, staff and relatives and visitors.
For general advice and guidance for relatives NHS Inform provides easy to understand information on norovirus and how to self manage
An additional resource that relatives and visitors may find useful is the ‘Keep it to Yourself’ leaflet which you can download using the button below:
Respiratory Illness – Testing
Respiratory Illnesses are common in the winter months, affecting people living in care homes, relative and staff.
Below is a selection of guidance to help support care homes support the management of suspected and confirmed cases of respiratory illness of an infectious nature amongst residents
National Guidance:
The most up to date information regarding care home respiratory illness and infection prevention and control, can be found in the resource developed by ARHAI Scotland and Public Health Scotland
Care Home Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Resource for Respiratory illness
It is recommended that you access the information online through the link to ensure the most up to date information and guidance is accessed.
Respiratory Testing and PCR: Residents
In February 2023 a local policy was agreed re the testing and management of respiratory illnesses (including Covid-19). This policy is still in place, please see below for more details.
Summary of Testing Pathway
Please see the documents below for full details
- A Care Home will notify the Health Protection Team (HPT) if two or more residents have respiratory symptoms
- Where HPT suspect an outbreak they will advise the Care Home to carry out PCR testing on up to 5 symptomatic residents
- Staff will carry out testing on identified residents and manage the samples as detailed in the documents below
- The Care Home calls HPT for the results of testing
**Please Note**
- The Care Home Programme team have sent out 10 PCR testing kits to each Care Home for winter respiratory testing for suspected outbreaks
- PCR testing should not be carried out for a suspected outbreak unless HPT have advised this
- PCR testing requested by other health professionals, such as a GP or ANP, should be carried out by the clinician requesting the test and the PCR tests should also be supplied by them – PCR test kits for outbreak management should only be used for outbreak management testing
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This poster has been devised as a quick guide to aid staff and managers on the latest guidance to respiratory testing for staff and guidance on symptoms in relation to attendance at work.

There has been an increase in instances of Scabies across many areas, including schools and Care Homes. Please find below a link to a Webinar available in the National Infection Prevention and Control manual (NIPCM) with a comprehensive update on Scabies.
Care Home Residents
Vaccination for Care Home residents has already started with consent forms sent out along with information regarding the vaccination process.
Care Home Staff
For Care Home staff appointments can be made via the National Vaccination website or by attending NHS staff clinics or be vaccinated when vaccination of residents is being undertaken in the home.
Updated details of all drop-in clinics – both at acute sites and community clinics are available here. You can still book an appointment online too, via the online booking portal here.
Useful Links and Resources
Useful Links and Resources
- Guidance Legislation and Framework page on this website
- Health Protection Homepage
- NHS Inform Homepage – if you need more general information
- Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infection Scotland | National Services Scotland