Pressure Ulcer Prevention Resources
- 30 Degree Tilt
- Assessment Tool for Darkly Pigmented Skin
- Daily Repositioning and Skin Inspection Chart
- Dry Black Heel
- Moisture Related Skin Damage Grading Tool
- Pressure Ulcer Grading Tool
- Pressure Ulcer Safety Cross
- Prevention and Management of Pressure Ulcer Standards
- SSKIN bundle
- Standards for prevention and management of pressure ulcers
- Tissue Viability Waterlow Pressure Area Risk Assessment Chart
National Guidelines
- ANTT Wound Process Guide
- ANTT Complex Wound Care
- ANTT Simple Wound Care
- Cellulitis Pathway
- Patient Cellulitis Leaflet
- Haematoma Pathway
- Scottish Ropper Ladder
- SWAAG Guide
- CPR for Feet :- Any wounds on the foot of a person with diabetes should be referred to Diabetic Foot Clinic or Diabetic Podiatrist for expert input please see podiatry’s own pages on the intranet for updated referral information
Local Guidelines
Here is a helpful external website which has animated modules on wound healing that can be accessed by anyone: https://www.mymicroworld.online/
For more information and how to refer to TVN see the links below:
Tissue Viability Information & Referrals
East Region Formulary for Wound Management