Care Homes NHS Lothian | Our Services


Education and Lothian Care Academy

On this page you will find details of training and resources that will support you, and your professional development, as you care for your residents and clients.

Training is available Care Homes, Care at Home and Social Care workers who work within Lothians’ Health and Social Care Partnerships.

Teams Providing Education

There are many teams involved in providing education both in the workplace and in the classroom. These teams include:

Clinical Education & Training Team (CET) an NHS Lothian team who work closely with other to deliver training and support.

Lothian Care Academy (LCA) works with a variety of teams, to promote and develop a learning hub., which includes information and tools to support continuing professional learning (CPL), and a training directory including other training opportunities from external sources.

Care Home Support Teams (CHST) provide local training and support in care home settings.

Specialist clinical teams also provide training on specific topics.

Learning Resources:


TURAS offer a wide range of educational resources which provide guidance and support to enhance your ongoing professional development.

Some links on this page may require you to log into TURAS to view content – do not worry anyone can have a TURAS account and you can sign up using the link below.

Most of these Education and Training topics link with support offered to staff and/or residents by various teams.

For more information on services which offer support to resident’s and how to refer to them or for information on teams which can help support staff or Care Homes please visit the website’s A-Z, by clicking the button below: