Preparing for Surgery NHS Lothian | Our Services

Medical Conditions

Medical conditions can affect your recovery from surgery. It is important to make sure any conditions you have are controlled as well as possible before your surgery.


Good blood sugar control is really important to reduce your risk of infections. Talk to your diabetes nurse early to see if they need to make any changes to your treatment.

Blood Pressure

Blood pressure should be controlled to reduce your risk of stroke. Have your blood pressure checked at your GP surgery in good time before your operation. Your GP can then change your medication if needed.

Heart, lung, and other medical problems

If you have any other long-term medical problems, consider asking your GP or nurse for a review, especially if you think your health is not as good as it could be.

Anxiety and mental health

Most people feel some anxiety about having surgery. If you are very anxious or upset, it may be helpful to talk about your concerns with your GP. Techniques including mindfulness, relaxation and breathing exercises or yoga could help you relax before and after your surgery.

Dental health

If you have loose teeth or crowns, a visit to the dentist may reduce the risk of damage to your teeth during an operation.

See your GP or Specialist if you have:

High blood presssure (target <160/100)
Anaemia (Hb<110) Diabetes (target HbA1c<69 mmol/mol)
Symptomatic angina (GTN>1/ week)
Irregular heartbeat
Sleep disorders
Dental issues
Increased breathlessness