Preparing for Surgery NHS Lothian | Our Services

Smoking Cessation

In this section you will find links to resources and tools to help you quit smoking and prepare for surgery.

Stopping smoking before surgery helps reduce complications and makes surgery safer.

The World Health Organization showed that stopping smoking reduces the risk of complications following surgery by 50%.

Smokers are 38% more likely to die after surgery than non-smokers.

You will achieve the most benefit if you can stop 4-6 weeks or more before surgery.

However, if your surgery is sooner, stopping any time before surgery is beneficial.

Some of the positive effects start almost immediately (such as improved breathing, reduced stress and anxiety, sense of taste and smell returning).

By stopping smoking you can reduce the risk of any postoperative complications by 50% and wound problems by 70%.

Risks of smoking in the perioperative period.

Risks of smoking in the perioperative period.

38% increased risk of death after surgery.
Twice as likely to develop a wound infection.
Increased risk of heart or lung complications.
Longer average hospital stay.
More likely to need admission to intensive care.
Increased doses of anaesthetic drugs required.

All of these risks mean that your chances of having to be admitted to the intensive care unit increase or at the very least, your stay in hospital will be longer.

How Smoking Affects Your Body


Smoking can reduce the flow of blood around your body:

  • reducing oxygen supply to heart and body.
  • Increasing the risk of heart attack.


Smoking damages your lungs, increases mucous production and makes your lungs more irritable:

  • making it difficult to breath after surgery.
  • increasing the risk of chest infection, pneumonia or collapsed lung.

Blood clots

Smoking makes your blood thicker and more likely to clot:

  • increasing the risk of blood clots in your veins (deep vein thrombosis) or lungs (pulmonary embolism).
  • increasing the chances of heart attack and stroke.

Bones, skin and wounds

Smoking can slow down wound healing increasing the chance of scaring and infection.

Immune system

Smoking can affect your immune system, increasing the risk of infection, including chest infection, wound infection and sepsis.

How do I Stop Smoking?

Stopping smoking is important for improving your condition after surgery and your overall long-term health.

The best way to stop is by using a mixture of support from professionals, stop-smoking medications and friends and family.

Each craving only lasts 90 seconds. The main withdrawal symptoms, such as irritability, are reducing by two weeks.

There are many options for help, with psychological support, apps, alternative activities, exercise, nicotine replacement options and websites with personalised coaching.

After stopping smoking, the body's ability to cope with surgery quickly improves.

After stopping smoking, the body’s ability to cope with surgery quickly improves

After stopping for:

1 to 2 hours
Nicotine levels fall, heart rate and blood pressure fall, reducing stress on the heart.

1 to 2 days
Blood carbon monoxide levels fall, improving oxygen delivery to the body.

2 to 4 days
The body’s ability to heal wounds improves. The risk of wound infection falls.

6 to 8 weeks
Lung function improves and mucus production reaches levels similar to non-smokers. The risk of complications like chest infections falls.

2 to 6 months
The immune system recovers.

Reference Centre for Perioperative Care Smoking cessation | Centre for Perioperative Care

Below are some common methods for stopping: –

  • Cold Turkey: choosing a day and just stopping.
  • Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT): this includes patches, chewing gum, lozenges, inhalators etc. These treatments provide nicotine, to allow you to gradually stop smoking over time. You can receive advice from your local stop smoking services or your GP.
  • Bupropion: a tablet prescribed by your GP or stop smoking services that works by blocking the sensors in your brain that provide the enjoyment from smoking.
  • e-Cigarettes: we’re not yet sure if e-cigarettes pose a risk to health. However current evidence suggests they are safer than smoking tobacco. They are used like NRT to help you gradually stop smoking cigarettes.

Top Tips

  • Set a date to stop, don’t leave it a week.
  • Let friends and family know your plans so that they can support you.
  • Avoid temptation, throw away cigarettes/lighters/ashtrays.
  • Change your habits to avoid temptation.
  • Tell yourself you’re a non-smoker.
  • Take one day at a time.
  • Never have the odd one.
  • Congratulate yourself.
  • Use local support services.

Benefits of Stopping

Stopping smoking before surgery helps reduce the risk of complications. Stopping at least 4-6 weeks before surgery is ideal, but stopping any time before can help.

Where to get help

You can get help with quitting smoking from
Quit Your Way Scotland https://www.nhsinform.scot/care-support-and-rights/nhs-services/helplines/quit-your-way-scotland

Royal Infirmary Edinburgh: Help for inpatients and NHS staff.

Pennywell All Care Centre in North Edinburgh.

Bonnyrigg Health Centre: Serving Midlothian and East Lothian.

Bathgate Primary Care Centre: Serving West Lothian