Our Services NHS Lothian | Our Services

Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT)

PGT is a specialised treatment designed for couples who are at risk of having a child with a specific genetic condition or chromosomal disorder. It involves the use of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) to create embryos and then genetic testing of good quality embryos (by removing a small biopsy sample) to try and identify low risk

Physio@Home Service

Who we are?  What we do? We are a Physiotherapy team, who specialise in assessment and rehabilitation in your own home or homely setting.  You may have been in hospital or you may be experiencing chronic pain.  Or you may have lost confidence in doing the things you enjoy like getting around the house or

High Cholesterol

High levels of cholesterol can cause heart and circulatory diseases including heart attack and stroke. But there are simple things you can do like eating healthier and taking medication. to help bring your cholesterol down to a healthy level Cholesterol is a fatty substance in our blood, which is produced naturally in our liver. Some


After your operation your body needs time to heal. However, during this recovery period it is important that you continue to be active and try to get moving again sooner rather than later. Research has shown that there are lots of benefits to getting out of bed early and returning to normal activities. Everybody’s recovery


This page includes some frequently asked questions about how GP Practices are now working. Why are GP practices working differently?Since the pandemic, health services must operate differently to protect everyone. It’s important to maintain safe infection control and minimise unnecessary physical contact where possible. This means there are now more ways for you to access

Tolerating Uncertainty

Dealing with uncertainty is an unavoidable part of daily life. Because we canโ€™t see the future, we can never be certain about what exactly is going to happen day to day. Research has found that people vary in their ability to tolerate uncertainty. That is, some people are okay with having a lot of uncertainty in their lives, and other people cannot stand even a small amount of uncertainty.

VOCAL (Voice of Carers Across Lothian): Support for Carers

Skip to: Am I an Unpaid Carer? Are you supporting a family member, partner, relative or friend, of any age, who needs help to manage a long-term condition, disability, physical or mental health condition or addiction? If the answer is yes – you are a carer. Your caring role could be as simple as getting

Coping Skills for Anxiety

A number of simple coping skills for anxiety.

Are You Searching in the Correct Section?

The NHS Lothian website is comprised of multiple sections each with their own unique search engines. If you aren't finding what you're looking for, our other sections may hold the information you require.

NHS Lothian Website Screenshot

NHS Lothian

The main section for NHS Lothian. Includes information on hospitals and locations, what to do in emergencies, our waiting times, your rights, immunisations and how to volunteer.
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NHS Lothian News and Media

News & Media

The News section for NHS Lothian. Latest news and updates for patients and the media, plus pages celebrating our annual staff awards 'Celebrating Success'.
Visit news.nhslothian.scot

NHS Lothian Our Services

Our Services

Information on Dentists, GPs, Opticians, Pharmacies and an A-Z of healthcare services provided by NHS Lothian.
Visit services.nhslothian.scot

NHS Lothian News and Media

Our Organisation

Details of our NHS Board, strategies, accounts, planning, key documents and Freedom of Information requests.
Visit org.nhslothian.scot

NHS Lothian Policy Online

Policy Online

The repository for all NHS Lothian policies, procedures, guidelines, forms, charts, and patient information leaflets.
Visit policyonline.nhslothian.scot

NHS Lothian Staff


Information for our Staff including Staff Benefits, Staff Networks, Staff Support and Professional Education sites.
Visit staff.nhslothian.scot

NHS Lothian Apps


Standalone NHS Lothian websites, including Online Payments and RefHelp: instant access to referral guidelines for GPs and clinicians.
Visit apps.nhslothian.scot

NHS Lothian Careers


NHS Lothian offers a huge range of career prospects and a wide range of job, training and development opportunities.
Visit careers.nhslothian.scot