Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy NHS Lothian | Our Services

Self Help Information

​Most problems we see will respond to appropriate exercise or become manageable with a regular exercise programme.  You can start exercising before you are assessed as it is unusual to cause more damage.  Start any exercise gently, and “listen to your problem”.  Don’t push through pain.  

Work within your problem’s tolerance and often your ability will gradually improve.

The advice and information given in this Self Help section is used within NHS Lothian and you will also find links to three reputable, trusted organisations:

NHS Inform

The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP)

Versus Arthritis

If you would like guidance on how to progress your strengthening exercises or exercise programme, please click the link below:

NHS Lothian – A guide to progressing your strengthening exercises

The advice on this page does not replace a medical opinion.   
Do not try the exercises if you do not feel safe. 
Discuss your needs with a health professional if you have any concerns.