Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy NHS Lothian | Our Services

Musculoskeletal Out-Patient Physiotherapy

Musculoskeletal conditions are those which affect the bones, muscles, tendons and joints – such as back pain, sports injuries, arthritis, sprains and strains.

Physiotherapist attending to patients wrist and hand

MSK Physiotherapy Services help support people with MSK problems through education, advice, movement, exercise and other approaches.

We know that many MSK conditions benefit from the right advice, self management and support.  Please use this website to help find information that you might be looking for.  The information has been reviewed by physiotherapists and we hope that you find it helpful.  

Please use the tabs at the top of the page to help manage your condition.

For people who need additional support, an MSK physiotherapist can work with you to help you with your problem.

This is done through shared decision making between the physiotherapist and you, the patient, to focus on what is important to you.

MSK rehabilitation may involve exercise and lifestyle advice, attending optional groups and classes, pain management advice and various other services depending on your locality.

Where indicated, MSK Physiotherapists are able to refer patients to a team of MSK Advanced Practice Physiotherapists (APPs). These physiotherapists work closely with various Consultants and they are able to arrange some investigations or refer to Consultant clinics where appropriate.

If you would like more information about Edinburgh Orthopaedic services, please visit services.nhslothian.scot/Orthopaedics

Please use the navigation menu at the top of the page to find out how to access MSK physiotherapy in your area.