Mental Health after Covid Hospitalisation NHS Lothian | Our Services

Post-covid symptoms

Some people experience ongoing symptoms after having Covid-19. This can include fatigue, low mood, anxiety, and difficulty with your thinking skills, such as concentration and memory (sometimes called ‘brain fog’).

The videos we have included here are adapted from a group programme that we ran and include information about common symptoms, as well as some strategies that you can try to help you to cope with them. Resources which you might find helpful are also included here.

The videos are designed to be watched in the order shown in the list below, but you can also skip those you do not feel fit your symptoms. You can stop the sessions at any time to think about the content, have a break, move around. You may also find it helpful to go back over particular parts repeatedly.

Engage with them in whatever way feels most meaningful to you.

You might want to consider eliminating distractions, creating a comfortable environment and thinking about how you can support yourself to get the most out of your time with these resources.