Lothians and Edinburgh Abstinence Programme (LEAP) NHS Lothian | Our Services

Family Programme

Substance dependency doesn’t only affect the dependent person; it also affects the entire family. Families adapt to deal with the reality of their loved one’s illness and can become quite damaged in the process.

It is important that the needs of all the family members, and those in close relationships with patients, are recognised and attended to. Evidence shows that better outcomes for patients and their families are achieved when family members are involved in the recovery process from an early stage.

LEAP provides support and information for the families of patients as an integral part of the programme and are encouraged to take advantage from the patient’s first referral.

When the patient comes for assessment, family members are invited for an informal interview with the family support therapist who makes an assessment of their support requirements.

They then have the opportunity to progress through our educational and support groups, held on  Wednesday and Thursday evenings, and are signposted to mutual-aid groups in the community who can provide long-term support. Referrals of family members to other agencies for counselling and further support may also be made where appropriate.

In some cases LEAP are able to offer cognitive behavioural therapy to family members if required.

Important Note – The LEAP Family Programme is also open to family members of non LEAP patients. 

Please refer via  loth.leapprogramme@nhs.scot 

Family Programme Evaluation Report

Leap Family Programme Evaluation Report

Family Programme Mission Statement

LEAP Family Programme – Mission Statement

LEAP Family Group Working Agreement


  • Subject to legal limitations
  • What’s said here stays here (outside the group we will only talk about our own experience, no-one else’s)
  • Personal responsibility


  • Relaxed informal atmosphere
  • Non-judgemental
  • Non-pressuring
  • Holistic approach to chemical dependency


  • Respect for personal space
  • Speaking one at a time
  • Listening to others
  • No shouting
  • Attending meetings alcohol and drug free


  • Management of fear
  • Building self-confidence
  • Overcoming denial
  • Overcoming frustration