Health and Care Professions Research NHS Lothian | Our Services

Post-doctoral Bridging Gateway Award



This is a funded opportunity for NMAHPPS professionals who completed their doctoral studies in the previous 3 years. 

The Post-doctoral Bridging Gateway Award will provide funded time and mentorship and will include opportunities for networking and support to continue academic development.  The funding in this award is for 26 days over a 12 month period, which can be taken flexibly, and will be paid to the service for backfill for the post holder.  This time allocation is not intended to be used to carry out a new research study or continue an existing one. There is no additional funding for conference attendance, training, travel or open access publication fees.

The Gateway Award will be directed at strengthening future career opportunities as a post-doctoral researcher that may include preparing manuscripts for peer-reviewed publications, wider dissemination activities, networking and application for externally funded, competitive post-doctoral fellowships (examples include NRS Career Researcher Fellowships, CSO Post-doctoral Fellowships).  Candidates will be encouraged to join established research teams as a co-applicant on funded studies and, where appropriate, to contribute to funding applications.

In some cases, candidates may apply for external grant awards as Chief Investigator (e.g. for feasibility/pilot studies).

Candidates will be encouraged to apply for an Academic Home (within the NHS Lothian Clinical and Academic Home Framework) with the host institution, if this is not already in place.

Applications should be submitted by 13th January 2025.

Application form Post-doctoral Bridging Gateway Award – submit to Loth.GatewayAwards@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk

Please also complete and return an Equal Opportunities Form

Full Terms and Conditions Post-doctoral Bridging Gateway Award


  1. To provide mentorship to NMAHPPS professionals who have completed doctoral studies within the previous 3 years to progress their next steps of a post-doctoral clinical academic career, including application for post-doctoral fellowships.
  2. To enable professional and academic networking to enhance collaborative activities directed at research grant applications and/or opportunities to become a co-investigator on funded programmes of research.
  3. To provide support to implement a publication plan related to the recent doctoral studies.

Target Group

NMAHPPS professionals who have completed doctoral studies within the previous 3 years. 

Applicants would be expected to have a clear intention to pursue a clinical academic career that includes employment in the NHS.

Criteria for Application

  • In a substantive post employed by NHS Lothian
  • Successful completion of doctoral studies (PhD, PhD by publication, taught doctorate) in the past 3 years.
  • Clear idea of ongoing programme of research that demonstrates link to practice priorities and extension of development of methodological expertise
  • Outline publication plan from doctoral research
  • Where relevant, evidence of discussion with potential supervisor in host institution with confirmation that would be supported for post-doctoral fellowship.

Criteria for Award

  • Support from immediate line manager to be released for study leave
  • Clarification from candidate and line manager that area of research interest is relevant to NHS Lothian priorities
  • Career planning that demonstrates ambition for research leadership and clinical academic role
  • Realistic publication plan
  • Demonstration of clear intention to apply for post-doctoral fellowship as part of career pathway regardless of outcome of application for this award

Expected Outcomes

  • Evidence that planned publications have been submitted for peer review
  • Evidence of networking and dissemination activities that will further career opportunities
  • Where seeking post-doctoral fellowship funding, evidence that application has been submitted.

Next Steps

Candidates will continue to be supported by their professional research lead if they remain in employment in NHS Lothian.  This will include membership of the NMAHPPS Doctoral Network and support to continue in an Academic Home.  Where relevant and there is evidence of service need there may be engagement with service and professional leads regarding potential clinical academic opportunities. 

If the post-doctoral fellowship application is successful there will be ongoing engagement and support from the professional research lead.  If this is a full-time commitment, there should be ongoing engagement with the candidate to identify the most appropriate ways to maintain contact with NHS Lothian during the period of the fellowship.  This could include the establishment of a formal ‘Clinical Home’ with a relevant service that would confer an honorary contract and explicit mutually-agreed objectives for that ongoing involvement. 

If the post-doctoral fellowship application is unsuccessful candidates will be invited to continue to engage with their appropriate professional lead and mentor for other opportunities.  However, the individual would not be eligible for a second Post-Doctoral Gateway Award to make an application to a different funder.