Health and Care Professions Research NHS Lothian | Our Services

Research Master’s Degree



This is a funded opportunity to undertake a Master by Research (MRes), Master of Science by Research (MScR) or Master of Philosophy (MPhil) degree on a part-time basis.  The funding will cover the academic fees and maximum study leave costs equivalent to 0.1 WTE for the duration of the programme subject to a cap of the total funding for this award of £20, 000. Please note that the tuition fees for this type of study vary quite substantially across universities so the residual amount available to cover study leave costs, within this funding cap, will vary also. It is anticipated that one award of this type will be available per year.

Research Master’s degrees vary across academic institutions and may involve one of the following: i) evidence synthesis, ii) secondary data analysis, iii) primary data collection at a level commensurate with timescale of Master’s programme and governance requirements.   The topic of the research will be chosen by the candidate based on discussion with their line manager and professional lead to ensure that it has relevance for the sponsoring service. 

Candidates will have two academic supervisors and one clinical supervisor in NHS Lothian.

Prior to interview (if shortlisted), and preferably at the point of application, candidates must have confirmation from the academic institution that they would be offered a place on the MRes/MScR/MPhil programme.

Applications should be submitted by 13th January 2025.

Application form Research Master’s Degree Gateway Award – submit to Loth.GatewayAwards@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk

Please also complete and return an Equal Opportunities Form

Full Terms and Conditions for a Research Master’s Degree Gateway Award


  1. To provide the opportunity for an early to mid-career NMAHPPS professional who has demonstrated potential for a clinical academic research career the opportunity to undertake a part-time MRes/MScR/MPhil at an academic institution.
  2. To provide mentorship and support regarding the next steps on clinical academic research career pathway.

Target Group

Early career professionals who have demonstrated commitment to research development in their undergraduate programme and during employment in NHS Lothian.  This may include being part of a wider research team or supporting data collection for research, audit or quality improvement purposes.

Candidates would normally be expected to be at band 5 or 6, however candidates at a higher band would be considered; it is likely that these candidates would need to identify additional funding for study leave beyond the cap for this award.

Criteria for Application

  • In a substantive post employed by NHS Lothian
  • Demonstration of interest in research during career to date, which may be included within personal development plan and has been discussed with line manager
  • Clear identification of research topic and questions with rationale for investigation and link to practice priorities
  • Outline identification of potential research methodology
  • Evidence of discussion with potential supervisor/director of studies in host institution with confirmation that would be accepted on research Master’s programme.

Criteria for Award

  • Support from immediate line manager to be released for study leave
  • Clarification from candidate and line manager that any identified area of research interest is relevant to NHS Lothian priorities
  • Where relevant (e.g. if in higher band post) that any additional funding beyond cap has been confirmed.

Expected Outcomes

  • Successful completion of MRes/MScR/MPhil within the timescale

Next Steps

  • Doctoral application – could be considered for Pre-Doctoral Gateway
  • Employment as Research Assistant