Health and Care Professions Research NHS Lothian | Our Services

Advanced Methodological Gateway


15/5/24: There has been a change to the procedures for applying for, and awarding, this level of award, as follows:

  1. A deadline for applications no longer applies – applications can be made at any time
  2. Applicants can be awarded a maximum of one such award per financial year
  3. A total maximum of £5,000 will be spent on this category of awards in any one financial year
  4. All the other conditions described below still apply

This is a funded opportunity for NMAHPPS professionals who are undertaking doctoral studies (either funded by NHS Lothian, externally funded or self-funded) to undertake an external intensive methodological training programme to develop their knowledge and skills to inform their study design and future data analysis. 

The methodological training may be provided by an academic institution or a research consultant with clear evidence of methodological expertise and reputation for course delivery.

The funding award will be for a maximum of £1,000 and will be to cover the course fees only.  There is no additional funding for study leave, travel or accommodation associated with the course.

Application form Advanced Methodological Gateway Award – submit to Loth.GatewayAwards@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk

Please also complete and return an Equal Opportunities Form

Full Terms and Conditions for an Advanced Methodological Gateway Award


To enhance methodological expertise that will inform research design and analytical techniques within an established doctoral training programme. 

Target Group

NMAHPPS professionals who are undertaking doctoral studies and are developing their knowledge and understanding of an agreed methodology.

Applicants would be expected to have a clear research design involving the specific methodology that is supported by their supervisors.

Criteria for Application

  • In a substantive post employed by NHS Lothian
  • Undertaking a doctoral programme and have been approved to proceed to level 12 study through the institutional mechanisms
  • Clear research question and rationale for methodological approach
  • Full details of the advanced methodology course, with clear evidence of reputation and expertise of the provider.

Criteria for Award

  • Clear rationale for undertaking advanced methodological training, including explanation of how this will be used design the research study and/or analyse data
  • Confirmation by Director of Studies/supervisor that the methodological training is appropriate to the doctoral study

Expected Outcomes

  • Evidence of completion of the training programme
  • Presentation at NMAHPPS Doctoral Meeting that includes overview of methodology and specific learning from attending the course
  • Acknowledgement of the funding award within the doctoral thesis and future publications.

Next Steps

Candidates will continue on their doctoral programme and remain engaged in NMAHPPS Doctoral Network.