Community Resources in East Lothian
East Lothian Mental Health and Wellbeing Service – Single Point of Access (SPA)
The Mental Health & Wellbeing – Single Point of Access at East Lothian Council aims to provide an additional level of support for children and young people who are experiencing difficulties with their mental health and wellbeing, where their needs cannot be met through universal supports. In many cases the need for additional support will have been identified through the Child’s Planning Process. The Mental Health and Wellbeing Team comprises a Coordinator and Mental Health Youth Workers, however the team also work with partner agencies to provide a wide range of mental health supports. The Single Point of Access (SPA) is the system by which children and young people are matched with the most appropriate service for them. Requests for Assistance are considered by a multi-disciplinary team which includes professionals from CAMHS, East Lothian Council and Third Sector Partners. For more information regarding the Single Point of Access, please visit Mental Health & Wellbeing website. Visit EastSpace for East Lothian’s online source of mental health and wellbeing information.
For Professionals: Please note, for East Lothian referrals for children of all ages can be made by health or education professionals through the Single Point of Access (SPA). Please read the guidance on completing the Dimensions Tool and CAIDS-Q prior to submitting a referral.
East Lothian Single Point of Access Neurodevelopmental Pathway Guidance
East Lothian Single Point of Access Pathway for Pre-school children Guidance
Please submit the Dimensions Tool, CAIDS-Q (if considering ID) and Wellbeing Assessment and/or Child/Young Person’s Plan with the completed Request for Assistance form to
We sometimes find that we do not have enough information from parents about their views/ concerns and that there is not enough information about the child’s presentation at home. For this reason we are introducing a Parent ND Additional Information form that can be included with the RfA. This consists of questions that parents can complete independently and should be submitted along with the RfA form. All parents should be given the opportunity to fill this out so that their views can be heard
The Mental Health & Wellbeing Team with East Lothian Council have created a website which contains a wealth of information about mental health and wellbeing, with links to a range of supports and services.
Visit EastSpace for East Lothian’s online source of mental health and wellbeing information.
Please click the links below for top tips for developing good mental health and emotional wellbeing for Children and Young People, Parents, and for Schools.
Telephone Support
Chat to a Childline counsellor online or on the phone between 9am-midnight. 1-to-1 chats are available online via the website too. Email support is also available.
The UK’s eating disorder charity. They offer information and a range of support and can be contacted on the helplines below.
Helpline: 0808 801 0677
Studentline: 0808 801 0811
Youthline: 0808 801 0711
Children 1st ParentLine
Children 1st ParentLine is available to all East Lothian parents. They can provide emotional, practical and financial support to families. Available 7 days a week, you can call their number below free (Mon-Fri, 9am-9pm; Sat-Sun, 9am – noon), browse their website for advice and support, or start a webchat.
Edinburgh University Centre for Psychological Therapies
This service offers a range of evidence-based psychological therapies to children and young people such as those experiencing emotional difficulties, including anxiety or low mood, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).
Edinburgh University Centre for Psychological Therapies
0345 123 2303
Scottish advice service for additional support for learning. The telephone helpline is available 9.30pm-4.30pm on Mondays and Tuesdays, and 1pm-4.30pm from Wednesday to Friday.
Sleep Action
Provides support to families of children with additional support needs and severe sleep problems. The information line is available Monday – Thursday 9.30am – 5pm, Friday 9.30am – 12.30pm and the freephone advice line is open Monday – Thursday 10am – 4pm.
Sleep Action
0131 651 1392 (Information line), or 0800 138 6565 (Freephone Advice line)
Talk Time Scotland
A free counselling service in Scotland for young people aged 12-25 years with physical disabilities and long-term health conditions. Telephone and video support available. To book an initial appointment or find out more, please contact the service below.
Women’s Aid East and Midlothian
Women’s Aid is the lead organisation in Scotland working towards the prevention of domestic abuse. To talk to someone in in confidence about domestic abuse, please call the Women’s Aid support line on 0131 561 5800, (Mon – Fri, 9am-4pm). Support is available 24/7 on the domestic abuse and forced marriage helpline 0800 027 1234,, or a new window.
Young Minds Parentline
Young Minds can support parents/carers in East Lothian by providing advice, emotional support and signposting about their child’s mental health (regarding a child or young person up to the age of 25). Call the ParentLine free from 9:30am – 4pm, Mon -Fri. For more information please see their website below.
Young Mind ParentLine (East Lothian)
0808 802 5544
Active Schools East Lothian
Active Schools East Lothian is a joint initiative between East Lothian Council and sportscotland which offers school-aged children and young people opportunities to adopt active, healthy lifestyles throughout their school years and in to adulthood. They do this by supporting and sustaining a network of volunteers, coaches, leaders and teachers who in turn deliver extra curricular physical activity and sport before, during and after school and in the wider community. All primary and secondary schools in East Lothian have a coordinator assigned to their school. Please contact your local Active Schools Co-ordinator for further information or to find out about current programmes and training opportunities in your area.
ASD / ADHD / ADD Support Group for Parents and Carers
If you are a parent of carer of a child or young person who has autism, ADHD/ADD (or in the process of being assessed), and live in East Lothian, you are welcome to join the parent support group which meets every 4-6 weeks in North Berwick Community Centre. Meetings are advertised via a private Facebook group. Please contact Jan Gaunt, 0-8 Years Family Worker, Support from the Start, on 07500 131285 for details.
The Bridges Project
The Bridges Project is a local charity that supports young people in East Lothian to help them manage the transition from adolescence to young adulthood, and life beyond school. The Bridges Project offer one-to-one and groupwork services which are flexible and tailored to meet the needs and ambitions of young people. They are offered on a voluntary basis and are free and confidential. Young people and their workers and family are always welcome to come for a visit, by appointment, to find out more about what the service offers before an official referral is made. Visits can be arranged by telephone at the number below.
Branch Out Together
Branch Out Together (formally known as The Lothian Autistic Society) provides social activities (including, information and practical support to families and children and young people with autism in Edinburgh and the Lothians. Please contact the team below for further details on any of their events or group programmes.
Base Camp
Base Camp (Branch Out Together): Basecamp is a club for children aged 5 – 13 years with ASD that focuses on themes which aim to develop the child’s ability to cope in a group setting. Basecamp supports your child through group activities focused on weekly themes including getting to know each other, taking turns, sharing, understanding emotions, trust and working as a team. If you or your child would like more information about Basecamp sessions, or to register your interest please contact
Base Camp 2
Base Camp 2 is a group-based programme for children aged 11 – 17 years. Basecamp 2 runs a mixed session for both boys and girls and also a group specifically for girls. Base Camp 2 offers your child a safe and fun place to make new friends and share their passions and interests. Through each step of the programme, your young person will get the support and encouragement of a 1:1 mentor who is there to help them gain independence, grow in confidence and increase their self-esteem. If you or your child would like more information about our Basecamp 2 sessions, please contact
East Lothian Council 1st Response
If you are feeling at crisis point and looking for help with things, such as money worries, housing issues, changes in your health or family or caring concerns, 1st Reponse can support you. For an appointment call and leave a message. Appointments are available face-to-face, Monday – Friday at a variety of locations across East Lothian.
Carers of East Lothian
Supporting people who care for family and friends, Carers of East Lothian offer a range of supports. Support could range from giving information and advice about health and social care services, assistance with assessments and care planning, support with housing concerns, caring and employment, advocacy and counselling, as well as carer support groups and workshops. Available Mon-Fri, 10am-4pm.
Children 1st Our Families
(Pinkie, Wallyford, Whitecraig)
Are you a family living in one of these areas? Do you need help with family wellbeing support, school-based issues, money advice and employability support? Our Families is a one-stop shop for families (with children aged 0-12 years) facing challenges. To book an appointment or for any questions, you can contact your child’s school office, or the Children 1st East Lothian office on the details below.
Children 1st Our Families (East Lothian)
08000 28 22 33
Circle offers a range of whole family support services that promote children’s healthy development and potential. Circle work with a range of other local charities, as well as schools, GPs and health visitors to make sure that families receive the full range of support they need. For any questions, you can contact the Circle office on the details below.
East Lothian Educational Psychology Service
Each school and nursery in East Lothian has a named Educational Psychologist who supports them in meeting the needs of a wide range of learners. They make regular visits to all nursery, primary and secondary schools in the authority. Educational Psychologists work collaboratively with other professionals, parents and carers, to help children and young people overcome barriers to learning. You can find out more at the web pages on the East Lothian Council website or by calling the service on 01620 827130.
East Lothian Educational Psychology Service
01620 827130
East Lothian Young Carers
East Lothian Young Carers support children and young people who look after or help to look after someone in their family, such as a parent, grandparent or other relative. East Lothian Young Carers can provide information, support, fun activities, opportunities to meet with other young carers, support with school and home work, as well as family support. Support is not time-limited and self-referrals are accepted. Please see the East Lothian Young Carers website below for further information and referral forms.
Families Together East Lothian
Families Together East Lothian are a service who aims to offer support to families at the right time and that meets their needs. We aim to be a one stop shop for families providing a tailored service. We are a voluntary service so if you choose to work with us, we will build kind compassionate relationships with you and listen to your family’s need. We will work with you enable you to have greater choice and live well within your community and beyond. Whatever your set up, Families Together East Lothian are here to help children, young people and those who look after them in lots of different ways. Our dedicated team provides tailored support to help you deal with some of the challenges that come with family life. We’ll build strong relationships with you and your family to help you thrive together.
Families Together East Lothian
Heavy Sound
Heavy Sound makes learning work for young people by re-engaging them through innovative youth work projects including music technology and sound production, martial arts, bike maintenance and activities, community outreach and a mentoring service. Please visit their website further for more details.
Mid and East Lothian Young People’s Advice Service (MYPAS)
MYPAS helps young people (aged 12 to 21) in East Lothian to deal with issues including: mental health, LGBT+ support and drug and alcohol use. Their information, support and services are free, friendly and confidential. Referrals to the service can be made via your GP, teacher, social worker, parent, other supportive adult, or by contacting the service directly below.
Muirfield Riding
Muirfield Riding is a volunteer-led centre providing free equine therapy in East Lothian. To become a rider, visit the MRT website and complete the Riders Application form and post it to the address on their website. Or, you can be referred through your GP or healthcare professional.
North Berwick Youth Club (NBYP)
North Berwick Youth Club is a youth café with groups from young people (from at least in primary 7 until aged 18), that run through out the week including a group for young people with additional support needs (ZAP).
North Berwick Youth Project
01620 893 939 or
Raising Kids with Confidence
Have you wondered how you can support your children to be confident and resilient?
Then Raising Children with Confidence is for you!
Raising Children with Confidence (RCWC) is a universal training programme for groups of parents and carers which focuses on promotion of positive mental health and emotional well-being. Raising Children with Confidence is a 14 hour course with 7 x 2 hour sessions. For information about classes in your area contact Support from the Start at
Recharge Youth Centre
Recharge is a youth organisation which works with young people who are aged between 11-18 and their families in the Fa’side area of East Lothian. Recharge works with young people to help increase their Confidence, Esteem and life skills. For further information, please contact the team at
Richmond’s Hope
Richmond’s Hope Provides support for children and young people aged 4-18 years who have been bereaved. Please call the number below to discuss your circumstances.
Richmond’s Hope
Richmond Craigmillar Church
227 Niddrie Mains Rd
EH16 4PA
0131 661 6818
Salvesen Mindroom Centre
Salvesen Mindroom Centre Formally known as Mindroom, it offers practical and emotional support to parents of children and young people with learning difficulties. Families can self-refer through phone or email.
Early Years
Early Years East Lothian council provides a Support from the Start that all parents in East Lothian can access, including ‘Raising Children/Teens with Confidence’ courses. Each of the six school catchments areas in East Lothian have agreed a Pathway of Support for Parents, this includes supports that all parents should be able to access but does not represent all of the support available.
Please contact Support from the Start for further details.
Scottish Autism
An organisation dedicated to enriching the lives of autistic people. The Advice Line is open Tues-Fri, 10am-4pm. Both phone line and Live Chat is closed at weekends. To find out more about accessing Scottish Autism services please fill out the online contact form, or call 01259 720044 or visit the website below for further information.
STAR (Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre)
supports young people who have experienced any kind of sexual harm (aged 12-18 living in Edinburgh, East Lothian, Midlothian).
STAR (Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre)
Team United
Team United deliver a range of projects and services tailored to the needs of young people with autism, aged 10 – 16 years, so they can have fun, enjoy football and make friends. In addition, Team United also manage the Autism League in Scotland through the Autism Football Association. The team can signpost you to local clubs that may operate their own sessions. If you would like further information about Team United, please contact them on the details below.
Tailor Ed Foundation
Tailor Ed’s Early Years Service is for families with a child with a diagnosis of autism, living in East Lothian. Tailor Ed accept referrals for children entering their pre-school year from parents and professionals. Tailor Ed also offer supports such as 1:1 appointments and workgroups with a small group of parents that focus on specific areas, ASD-friendly play sessions, coffee mornings/evenings for parents, as well as social supports which are open to the entire autism community. To make a referral get in touch to request a short form or call the number below.
Venturing Out
Venturing Out offers activities for children and young people and run a specialist provision for children with additional support needs. For children aged 8-14 years this includes an extensive School Holiday Programme, and provides opportunities for kids to be active outdoors, whilst building confidence and self-esteem. Activities include kayaking, canoeing, rock climbing, coasteering, bushcraft, trail cycling. Venturing Out ASN provision for children with additional support needs and their families, are designed to offer an opportunity for the whole family and provide an environment whereby children can take part in fun and adventurous activities, such as paddlesports, bushcraft and orienteering, in a supportive setting. For further information and availability, contact the service below.
Venturing Out
01875 440247, 07980 000587
The Haven
The Haven – Haddington – We’re here to listen, to support and to help you through the challenges that having a child who struggles with their mental health can bring.
Any family who has a child with a mental health concern is welcome. Parents, carers, siblings and grandparents can benefit too. We’re here for the whole family. We offer support in a fully accessible, relaxed and informal setting. We do this through a range of activities we know young people will enjoy. Or, if all you need is a cup of tea and a listening ear, we’re here to help you cope. Our team is there on the good days, the bad days, and everything else in between.
If you live within the catchment area for Ross High School or Knox Academy, or are registered with Tranent Medical Practice or one of the medical practices located at Newton Port, Haddington, and need support, please get in touch by phone, email or by filling out the form on the website.
The Wave Project
The Wave Project, based at Belhaven Bay in Dunbar is one of two Wave Project surf therapy sites based in Scotland. The project has been running in Scotland since its pilot in 2014 and now delivers surf therapy programmes to over 100 young people a year. The surf club is exclusively available to young people who have been referred to The Wave Project by a professional. Please visit the website for further information.
Wave Project