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Do I Have a Problem

Alcohol and Drug Misuse
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Do I Have a Problem?

If you’ve landed on this page, then probably you or someone you know has asked this question at some point. So, what are the signs that your use of alcohol or drugs may be a problem? There are questionnaires, such as this Drinking Check from DrinkAware that may give you an answer, but really it varies depending on:
  • Where and when you’re consuming alcohol and/or drugs
  • The type and amount you consume
  • Your physical and mental health at the time of consumption

The UK Chief Medical Officers provide guidelines that reflect the research evidence on the health risks associated with drinking. But there’s no guaranteed ‘safe’ level of drinking and even small amounts of alcohol can be risky in certain circumstances, for example with strenuous exercise, operating machinery, driving, or if you’re on certain medications. Regularly drinking more than the level indicated in the low-risk drinking guidelines shown below can be damaging in both the short-term and the long-term.

If you’re pregnant or planning to have a baby, the safest option is not to drink at all. There are no safe limits in this case and the more alcohol you drink, the higher the risk of harm to your baby.

Signs that you may have a problem

Many people who have a problem with alcohol and drugs will try to cover it up. Problems are not always visible, but there are signs:

  • not being able to socialise without a drink or drugs
  • struggling at work or in education because of hangovers
  • missing days at work, college or university
  • poor concentration
  • spending a lot of money on alcohol and drugs
  • relationships with family and friends are strained
  • feeling irritable without a drink or drugs
  • becoming defensive or angry when challenged about use
  • hiding drinking and drug-taking from others
  • Many people recover from alcohol and drug problems and there are different ways of approaching recovery.

Some people are able to cut down on their drinking themselves, or with the support of a friend or family member. Others go to see their GP, who will offer advice or direct them to appropriate counselling or treatment services that can help. Some people abstain from all use, whereas others use in a controlled way. This can mean drinking within recommended limits or it may involve being prescribed substitute medicines for drug use that enable a person to work on the issues that trouble them and make changes that will support recovery. For some people, the most appropriate goal may be to reduce the harm that can be caused by injecting. Recovery means different things to different people, so the important thing to remember is that lots of options are available to you.

Related Resources

  • Alcohol and Drug MisuseAlcohol and Drug Misuse
    Most people use alcohol and other drugs for their benefits - perceived or experienced - not for the potential harm they may cause. This applies to both legal and illegal substances, including drugs that are prescribed. No one takes a drug to feel worse. It’s important to remember that the vast majority of people who drink alcohol and/or use legal or illegal drugs do not become dependent on any of these substances.
  • The Effects of Alcohol and DrugsThe Effects of Alcohol and Drugs
    Whatever your reason, using drugs or alcohol may have a long-term negative effect on you. It may take longer for your mental health to get better if you use drugs or alcohol. Drugs can make you more unwell and more likely to try to harm yourself or take your own life.
  • Substance Use following Trauma
    Some people increase their use of alcohol or substances following a trauma. This is often an attempt to block out painful memories, thoughts or feelings related to the trauma.
  • Coping with Changes
    We all experience changes in our lives. Learn about how change can affect our wellbeing.
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    The Wellbeing Lothian website has been developed to provide information, self-help resources and links to help you manage your mental health and wellbeing.

    We want to help you make changes in your own lives and point you in a direction to start doing so. This is Wellbeing Lothian’s aim.

    Learn More about Wellbeing Lothian

    This website is not intended in any way to replace the advice of a clinician. Specific advice should be sought in specific situations from a properly qualified health worker.


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