Rivers Centre NHS Lothian | Our Services

Useful Links

If you work or volunteer for one of the emergency services, or are a friend or family member of someone who does, have a look at the Lifelines Scotland website
Lifelines is run by the team at The Rivers Centre and aims to support the wellbeing of all of Scotland’s emergency responder family.

The Rivers Centre has collaborated with the Anchor Service in Glasgow to produce the National Wellbeing Hub for health and social care workers. The Wellbeing Hub provides guidance and resources for all those working across health and social care in Scotland, including unpaid carers, and you can more information at www.wellbeinghub.scot

The Rivers Centre works closely with the UK Psychological Trauma Society.   Visit the UKPTS website to find out more about the work of this organisation and the events, including annual conferences, that it runs.

Caring for someone with a Post Traumatic Stress Reaction can take its toll on family and friends.  VOCAL are based in Edinburgh and provide counselling for carers.  They can be contacted via email: counselling@vocal.org.uk or telephone: 0131 466 8082.

If you find it difficult to fall asleep at night you can access a recording of a relaxation exercise that is particularly helpful at bed-time from http://wellbeing-glasgow.org.uk

If you have been advised to practise diaphragmatic breathing and progressive muscular relaxation exercises in order to gain control over your anxiety, you can access downloadable sound-files of these from this website: https://stresscontrolaudio.com/home 
There are other useful relaxation training exercises here also, including mindfulness meditation.