Rivers Centre NHS Lothian | Our Services

Support for Jurors

Support for Jurors Serving in the Scottish Courts

Most of the time people will cope well with jury service however the Scottish Courts and Tribunal Service recognises that some trials may affect juror wellbeing through exposure to potentially traumatic material.

The Rivers Centre therefore offers support to individuals who may be experiencing psychological or emotional distress as a result of their jury role.

How does the service work?

At the conclusion of some trials, the judge or sheriff may decide that the case and evidence presented was potentially traumatic and distressing and will recommend that all jurors be offered access to support. In such circumstances, the Scottish Court Service will give all jurors details of the service available at the Rivers Centre and how to access this. The presiding Sheriff/Judge can also approve referrals for individuals who let the Sheriff Clerk know that they need assistance.

Please note: our service is not given your contact details. To access support, you must contact the Rivers Centre yourself on 0131 451 7407 to arrange a time to speak with a clinician.

The Rivers Centre aims to see jurors for an initial assessment appointment quickly (within 10 working days) with the option of up to 3 further sessions.

Who do I contact if I have any other questions?

If you require more information regarding the provision of psychological support following jury service, please contact the Scottish Court Service on 0131 444 3454 or the Rivers Centre on 0131 451 7407 or email us at loth.externalrivers@nhs.scot.