Always dial 999 or attend your nearest Emergency Department (A&E) in a critical emergency.
Your NHS is available all year round to care for you.
The Emergency Department (A&E) is for critical emergency situations only.
Please think carefully before using emergency services and refer to our guide on when to visit an Emergency Department.
There have been changes to how you access urgent care to keep everyone safe and well. While your GP practice and some NHS services may operate differently during the pandemic, and be closed on weekends and public holidays, the NHS continues throughout to provide urgent care for those who need it.
NHS 24 – CALL 111
If you think you need to attend an Emergency Department or Minor Injury Unit, but it is not a critical emergency, call 111 first, day or night, all year round.
They will direct you to the right care in the right place. This might include a telephone or video consultation or directing you to another local health service closer to home.
If you need to attend a hospital in person you will be given a suitable appointment time.
Call NHS 24 free on 111 for:
- Access to urgent care that is not a critical emergency
- Advice on minor injuries including minor cuts, burns, sprains or insect bites
- Access to urgent mental health advice and guidance
- For immediate advice when your GP surgery or dentist is closed and you are too ill to wait
You can also access NHS 24 and 111:
- Via textphone by calling 18001 111
- If you’re deaf but want to use the phone service you can use the Contact SCOTLAND-BSL interpreting video relay service
- Other languages – NHS 24 and 111
- By visiting
For all routine health matters, including repeat prescriptions, or urgent care contact your own GP practice during normal opening times.
- Most GP practices operate Monday to Friday 8am – 6pm
- Use our online GP finder to find your GP’s phone number or to find the GP practices nearest your home
- GP practices are open and now provide more ways to access care with GP practice teams
If you have a minor illness or minor health condition your local pharmacy can provide expert help and advice quickly and without an appointment. If needed they can refer you onto other healthcare teams.
- Click on the link to find out more about the services offered by community pharmacies
- Find your nearest pharmacy and its opening hours on the NHS Inform website
If you have a minor injury call 111 free anytime day or night to be directed to the right service. Minor injuries can include:
- Strains and sprains
- Wounds and minor burns
- Minor bumps to head and face
- Simple eye injuries
- Insect bites and stings
If you require further assessment they will give you an appointment for either a video or face to face consultation.
Our Minor Injury Units treat adults and children and are staffed by specialist nurse, paramedic and physiotherapy practitioners.
Click on the link to view information about what to do if you need emergency dental treatment.
Click on the link to find out information about the Mental Health Assessment Service (MHAS)
Click on the link to find out information about emergency contraception or speak to your local community pharmacist.
Your local GP, Sexual Health Clinic and Chalmers Sexual Health Clinic offer testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), free condom supplies, pregnancy tests and emergency contraception.