Pharmacies NHS Lothian | Our Services

If you have a minor illness a community pharmacy should be your first stop. 

John Young NHS Scotland Photo Library: Picture by John Young /www.youngmedia.co.uk

They can help with:

  • Managing your repeat prescriptions
  • Accessing free emergency contraception
  • Advice and treatment for minor illnesses and common conditions through Pharmacy First Scotland such as cold sores, indigestion, constipation, impetigo and urinary infections

Pharmacy teams are experts in medicines and can provide help and advice quickly without an appointment.  If needed, they can refer you onto other healthcare teams.

How to access your Community Pharmacy

Important Notice about Patient Returned Sharps

Please use the services directory search function on NHS Inform to find your nearest pharmacy opens a new window.

Most pharmacies are open every weekday and many are open on Saturdays. Some have extended opening hours including late nights and Sundays.

Visit our Pharmacy First Scotland page for more details about the types of conditions your community pharmacist can help with. 

Public Holidays

For community pharmacy opening hours over public holidays, please visit NHS inform opens a new window
This should be reflective of public holiday arrangements but please call your local pharmacy first if you’re unsure.

Watch to find out how your local pharmacy can help

How can your local Pharmacy help you? from NHS Lothian on Vimeo.
An example of when you should visit your pharmacy first from NHS Lothian on Vimeo.