Our Services NHS Lothian | Our Services

Understanding the Sleep Cycle

Sleep is vital for our minds and bodies. While we sleep, our brains process memories and sort out things that have happened in the day. Sleep also gives our muscles much needed rest and helps our bodies restore, heal and grow. The harder our bodies work, the more rest they need.

Helping a Loved One Make Sense of Trauma

When a loved one goes through a traumatic event, it can be hard to know what you can do or how you can help. It’s important to know that everyone responds and makes sense of trauma differently, and can have different needs.

Advanced Methodological Gateway

APPLICATIONS FOR THIS PARTICULAR TYPE OF AWARD REMAIN OPEN. 15/5/24: There has been a change to the procedures for applying for, and awarding, this level of award, as follows: This is a funded opportunity for NMAHPPS professionals who are undertaking doctoral studies (either funded by NHS Lothian, externally funded or self-funded) to undertake an external

Blood for Storage

​Blood for Storage Procedure Having a sample of your blood for storage is strongly recommended within 72 hours of the incident. This can be carried out at ward level or by Occupational Health on the next working day (M-F 8-4) as long as this is within the 72 hours. Sampling on the Ward You should

The Wellbeing Resource Hub

Are you struggling with your mental health, finance or employment? We will help you find the right support in East Lothian. The Wellbeing Resource Hub is a drop-in information-giving service, hosted by NHS Adult Mental Health, with representatives from Changes, Psychological Therapies, Citizens Advice Bureau and East Lothian Works. The space is open to the

Managing Your Back Pain (and leg pain)

Low back pain is very common. 8/10 of us will have back pain at some point in our lives. In most cases the pain isn’t caused by anything serious. It will usually get better within a few weeks to months. Often it’s not possible to identify a specific cause of back pain. It is rarely

Informed Consent

“No decision about me, without me” What does consent mean? It means agreement Before a doctor, nurse or any other health professional can examine or treat you, they must have your agreement, or consent. You must be given enough information so that you can understand what is involved and can think clearly about the advantages

What is Chronic Pain?

We all have a pain system that’s designed to protect us. Think of it like an alarm system that’s looking out for anything that might cause us harm or damage. Our pain system is made up of nerves that carry messages between the body and the brain. Not all pain is the same, however. Β Pain can be acute or chronic.

Arresting Your Panic Thoughts

A strategy for managing the catastrophic thoughts people tend to have during a panic attack.

Breast Screening

The South East Scotland Breast Screening Service is part of the National Breast Screening Programme (NHSBSP). We offer screening to around 71,500 women each year from Edinburgh, the Lothians, Borders, Fife, and Forth Valley. We provide a free breast screening service for women aged between 50 to 70, resident in our area. In Scotland, only women between the ages of

Are You Searching in the Correct Section?

The NHS Lothian website is comprised of multiple sections each with their own unique search engines. If you aren't finding what you're looking for, our other sections may hold the information you require.

NHS Lothian Website Screenshot

NHS Lothian

The main section for NHS Lothian. Includes information on hospitals and locations, what to do in emergencies, our waiting times, your rights, immunisations and how to volunteer.
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NHS Lothian News and Media

News & Media

The News section for NHS Lothian. Latest news and updates for patients and the media, plus pages celebrating our annual staff awards 'Celebrating Success'.
Visit news.nhslothian.scot

NHS Lothian Our Services

Our Services

Information on Dentists, GPs, Opticians, Pharmacies and an A-Z of healthcare services provided by NHS Lothian.
Visit services.nhslothian.scot

NHS Lothian News and Media

Our Organisation

Details of our NHS Board, strategies, accounts, planning, key documents and Freedom of Information requests.
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NHS Lothian Policy Online

Policy Online

The repository for all NHS Lothian policies, procedures, guidelines, forms, charts, and patient information leaflets.
Visit policyonline.nhslothian.scot

NHS Lothian Staff


Information for our Staff including Staff Benefits, Staff Networks, Staff Support and Professional Education sites.
Visit staff.nhslothian.scot

NHS Lothian Apps


Standalone NHS Lothian websites, including Online Payments and RefHelp: instant access to referral guidelines for GPs and clinicians.
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NHS Lothian Careers


NHS Lothian offers a huge range of career prospects and a wide range of job, training and development opportunities.
Visit careers.nhslothian.scot