NHS Lothian’s Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Plan 2023-2028 sets out a clear intention to “Reinvigorate our workforce” and one of our initiatives to support this is by offering staff a ‘Stay and Grow’ conversations as a way of helping individuals to think about and plan for opportunities for their own leadership development, possible academic development and to consider ways to achieve a fulfilling career pathway.

A ‘Stay and Grow’ conversation is a guided conversation with a colleague that leads to an individual developing a plan of action for the next steps in their career development.
Would you like to have a Stay & Grow Conversation?
Stay and Grow Conversations were launched in February 2025. All nursing and midwifery registered and non-registered staff can request a conversation with a specific member of the Stay and Grow Conversation Group (below). Or if you are not sure about the direction you want to take, a member of the Clinical Education and Training Team, and/or your local Clinical Practice Facilitators can be contacted to give general career advice aligned to what matters to you.
How to request a Stay and Grow conversation
Please email loth.stayandgrow@nhs.scot with your name, role, work location and a brief outline of what guidance you are seeking. A member of the Clinical Education and Training Team will identify a Stay and Grow contact for you to have a conversation with. That person will contact you and arrange a date to meet – either in person or on Teams.

Preparing for your Stay & Grow Conversation
To help you prepare for a Stay & Grow conversation download the guidance document and work through it before the meeting, making some notes on your responses.
To record your personal career development plan download the planning template
After your Stay & Grow conversation you will be sent a link to an evaluation survey to help us evaluate the initiative.
Stay and Grow Contacts
Community Nursing2481_b5a92b-7b> |
Community Hospitals2481_0e91ef-68> |
Critical Care2481_092840-b9> |
Education/ Academic pathways2481_0d43d2-54> |
Emergency/Unscheduled Care2481_7ff952-00> |
Healthcare Support Workers2481_5c096e-71> |
Leadership2481_8c9b0a-69> |
Learning Disability2481_d61842-31> |
Mental Health2481_992bec-33> |
Midwifery2481_db0ec9-37> |
Neonatology2481_1bd39f-59> |
Neurology2481_ed8931-eb> |
Oncology2481_b1a72d-4d> |
Paediatrics2481_e147e9-d9> |
Research2481_caa780-d4> |
2481_ae5ecb-f5> | 2481_2bb4c5-81> |