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How can I improve my milk supply

Ways of improving milk supply

The best way of improving milk supply is by stimulating the breasts. This is normally done by your baby but when your baby is unable to feed this has to be done by expressing either by hand or by pump. Always carry out a little massage before expressing to stimulate the let down reflex. It is also really important when you express to ensure that you fully empty each breast, this means continuing expressing for a couple of minutes after milk flow has stopped. If your milk supply is low try to express at least 8 times in 24 hours and at least once overnight. It may be tempting to skip the night time expressing when you are tired but is particularly important not to, as your milk producing hormones are highest at night.

It is really important that expressing is comfortable. Expressing should not cause any trauma to the breast or nipple. If you feel it is discuss this with your midwife or a breast feeding specialist. You may need a bigger pump funnel (shell) which can normally be ordered from the pump’s website.

Double pumping can make a difference to how much milk you produce in a shorter time and carrying out breast compressions throughout expressing can help with supply.

Skin to skin cuddles also helps increase milk supply as being close to your baby stimulates the hormones that produce breast milk. If your baby is unable to have skin to skin try and spend as much time as you can with your baby. Hold them through the incubator doors, keep a piece of clothing or sheet that your baby has touched with you and have their photo close when expressing as it is thought that these measures help stimulate the hormones needed to make breast milk.

Stress is known to affect milk supply. When your baby is in the neonatal unit it is a stressful experience however some things can be done to reduce this stress. Try a relaxation technique such as massage. Maybe your partner could give you a shoulder or foot massage when you are expressing. Some massage therapists will visit you at home.

If you feel that your milk supply is being affected by pain or one of the conditions listed above visit your GP or talk to your midwife to discuss pain relief and management of your ongoing medical condition.

Keep yourself as informed as you can about your baby’s condition. Ask the nurses and doctors if you do not understand about something that is happening to your baby. No question is silly

Some foods are thought to increase milk supply particularly oats, grains and some fruits. Also some mothers have reported an increase in milk supply when they used breast feeding herbs and teas.

If you are expressing the recommended 8-10 times per day, eating and relaxing well and your milk supply is still low you may want to consider the use of a drug called Domperidone. Domperidone is known as a galactagogue drug as it increases hormone levels in a lactating women and therefore increases milk supply. It needs to be prescribed by a GP and the normal dose is 10mgs three times a day. If no improvement is seen this may be increased to 20mgs. It only works in conjunction with regular milk expression. Domperidone can be taken for up to 8 weeks.

You do however, as said above, have to be kind to yourself. If you are trying all the above suggestions and your milk supply is still low try not to stress too much. Even the smallest amounts of breast milk is good for your baby. It also may be the case that once your baby is feeding more effectively or can manage skin to skin cuddles that your milk supply will improve.