We provide services to adults within the West Lothian Health & Social Care Partnership. All our services aim to provide person-centered, safe and quality care. Our Musculoskeletal (MSK) services can support you with a range of conditions in an out-patient clinic setting.
We want to make sure you get to see the right person, at the right time, in the right place.
How can I be referred to see a physiotherapist?
- You can book an appointment for assessment and advice by a GP Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioner (GP APP) through your GP Practice. To find out more about the GP APP service, please click here.
- For assessment, ongoing support and rehabilitation, you can be referred to the Core MSK Physiotherapy service by your GP or via Self referral – see section below for appropriate forms.
Please note we only accept referrals for patients aged 16 and above.
MSK Self Referral
MSK Self Referral Form – word version to be completed online
MSK Self Referral Form – PDF to be printed and completed by hand.
MSK Walking Aid Referral From – word version to be completed online
MSK Walking Aid Self Referral form – PDF to be printed and completed by hand.
Please either email completed form to us, print and either hand it to your GP reception OR send it to us. The email and postal address is on the self referral form.
Self Help Guides
If you feel confident to try to manage your condition on your own, please have a look at the links below for guidance that may be useful:
Muscle, bone and joints | NHS inform
Self-help guide: Shoulder pain | NHS inform
Self-help guide: Lower back pain | NHS inform
Low Back Pain
The trial period of the digital back pain service, delivered by NHS Lothian’s clinical partner, Flok health has now closed to new patients. All patients registered with the digital back pain service will continue to receive access to their personalised assessment and treatment programme for up to 6 months from date of registration