Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy NHS Lothian | Our Services

West Lothian

What services are included in West Lothian MSK Physiotherapy? 

  • MSK Physiotherapy
  • Pain Management Programme 
  • GP Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioners (GP APPs) 
  • Spinal Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioners (Spinal APPs) 
  • Peripheral Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioners (Peripheral APPs) 
  • Hydrotherapy 
  • Gym Groups (at specified locations only) 

What will happen at your first appointment?

 Your first appointment may last up to 60 minutes.  

At your initial appointment you will be able to discuss your symptoms with your physiotherapist and how they affect you.  

A physical examination may be undertaken. 

Type of appointments

At the time of booking you will be able to choose one of the following appointment types. Choosing one type of appointment does not stop you from choosing a different type of appointment in the future. 


The physiotherapist will call you.  

When you book your appointment please make sure that we have the correct telephone number for you.  

Make sure your telephone line or mobile can take withheld numbers.  

Please make sure you are not driving at the time of your appointment. 

Video call (NHS Near me)

Please see the Attending your appointment by video leaflet to find out more information about how to attend your video appointment.

To access your video appointment please visit nhs.attendanywhere.com

Appointment in person

This option is offered for some new patient appointments and return appointments if required.  You can attend various clinics across West Lothian.  These are specified in the ‘Where to Find Us’ menu at the top of the page, along with contact details for each of these departments.

How can I be referred to see a physiotherapist?

We accept referrals for patients aged 16 and above.

You can be referred to physio through one of the following:

  1. You can book an appointment for expert assessment and advice by a GP Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioner (GP APP) through your Medical Practice.
  2. For ongoing support and rehabilitation, you can be referred to the MSK Physiotherapy service by your GP or any health care practitioner.
  3. Self referral

MSK Self Referral Form – word version to be completed online

MSK Self Referral Form – PDF to be printed and completed by hand.

MSK Walking Aid Referral From – word version to be completed online

MSK Walking Aid Self Referral form – PDF to be printed and completed by hand.

Please either email completed form to us, print and either hand it to your GP reception OR send it to us. The email and postal address is on the self referral form.

Low Back Pain

If you have pain in your lower back (including sciatica) you can now self-refer directly to a new digital support service which offers same-day appointments 24/7. The service is delivered by NHS Lothian’s clinical partner, Flok Health.

To self-refer to this new service and find out more click on  Flok Health West Lothian and you’ll be directed to a digital appointment immediately.

For other conditions, or if you prefer to see or speak to a physiotherapist,  then please call your GP practice and ask to see the advanced physiotherapist (GP APP)