Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy NHS Lothian | Our Services

Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership

Who are we and what do we do?

We are a group of physiotherapy practitioners who provide services to adults within the Edinburgh Health & Social Care Partnership. At their core, all our services aim to provide person-centred, safe and quality care.  Our specialist Musculoskeletal (MSK) services can support you with a range of conditions in an out-patient clinic setting. 

Our physiotherapy staff work in a number of clinics across the City of Edinburgh and treat people through a combination of face to face, telephone and video appointments depending on the needs of the individual.

Where are we based?

Map of Edinburgh showing where the Physiotherapy clinics are located

Our services are:

  • Musculoskeletal (MSK) Out-Patient Physiotherapy Service: Please click on the menu above for further information on each location.  
  • For bladder, prolapse issues or pelvic pain, please see Pelvic Health Physiotherapy Service
Patient using gym bike while physio talks to her.
Picture by John Young

How to access?

We accept referrals for patients aged 16 and above. You can be referred to physio through one of the following:

1. Via your GP

You will first need to make an appointment with your GP and then ask to be referred to see a physiotherapist. Please note that referral to physiotherapy will ultimately be at the discretion of your GP.

2. Via a consultant or another healthcare professional

It is usually standard procedure that, if you have received hospital-based treatment (e.g. fracture care, joint surgery), you will be referred to a physiotherapist for follow-up rehabilitation. This will either take place at the hospital where you were treated or, if it is more convenient for you, at a NHS community physiotherapy clinic. You may also be referred to physiotherapy from another health professional if you have been identified as having an MSK condition.

3. Self Referral

You may refer yourself using the appropriate forms for the following problems:

MSK problems

MSK Self Referral Form – word version which can be completed online 
MSK Self Referral Form – pdf version if you do not have word and for completion by hand 

Please either email the completed form OR print it off and send it to us, the email address and postal address are on the self referral form.

The trial period of the digital back pain service, delivered by NHS Lothian’s clinical partner, Flok health has now closed to new patients. All patients registered with the digital back pain service will continue to receive access to their personalised assessment and treatment programme for up to 6 months from date of registration

Bladder problems

Bladder Self Referral Form
For more information see our Continence and Pelvic Health Physiotherapy Service page.

Walking Aids
Walking Aid Self Referral Form
Please either email the completed form OR print it off and send it to us, the email address and postal address are on the self referral form.

If your problem is severe, or getting worse, please see your GP or seek more urgent medical attention.

How long will I wait?

You will be offered the earliest appointment available, or you can choose to attend a particular clinic (although this may result in a longer wait). Our waiting list can vary depending on demand.

What should I do if I cannot attend my physiotherapy appointment?

Missed appointments will result in a longer wait to be seen. If you cannot attend your physiotherapy appointment, please let us know as soon as possible on: 0131 536 1060 (option 1). Lines are open between 9am-3pm, Monday-Friday, except public holidays. If you do not attend your appointment and have not informed the physiotherapy department of this in advance, you will be discharged. If you contact the physiotherapy department within 4 weeks of this missed appointment you may be provided with a new appointment. If more than 4 weeks have passed, then you will need to be referred again by your GP.