The South East of Scotland Trauma Network went live on 30th August 2021. The network includes the Major Trauma Centres (MTC) at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh (RIE) and Royal Hospital for Children and Young People (RHCYP). The Major Trauma Centres will allow patients with major trauma to receive care from a specialist Major Trauma Service and early access to hyper acute rehabiliation.
The Major Trauma Centres are part of the wider South East Trauma Network and will provide trauma care to the populations of four Health Boards (NHS Lothian, Borders, Forth Valley and Fife). A key aim of the Networks establishment is to ensure that those who experience Major Trauma are able to access high-quality, multi-speciality care irrespective of geography.
This integrated Network approach will save approximately 40 additional lives per year and will improve patient outcomes throughout the trauma pathway – from prevention to rehabilitation – “Saving Lives and Giving Life Back“.