Diabetes Managed Clinical Network NHS Lothian | Our Services

Lothian Diabetes Managed Clinical Network Groups

Diabetes MCN Role and Remits

The Diabetes MCN supports co-ordination, planning and development of diabetes services across primary and secondary care in Lothian.

The aim of the Network is:

  • To maximise the quality of life for those with diabetes by detecting and treating the disease and its complications at an early stage.
  • To minimise complications and premature death in those with diabetes.
  • To provide equal access to high quality diabetes care for all residents of Lothian. People with diabetes should be enabled and empowered to safely and effectively self-manage their condition by accessing consistent, high quality education and by creating mutually agreed individualised care plans.
  • To minimise the impact of deprivation, ethnicity and disadvantage on diabetes care and outcomes.
  • To ensure all people with diabetes are given the right treatment by the right person at the right time in the right place.
  • To ensure that appropriate and accurate information is available in a suitable format and is effectively and reliably used by all those involved in diabetes care.
  • Create plans to support the implementation, monitoring and reporting against the National Diabetes priorities outlined in the 2021-26 National Diabetes Improvement Plan.

Public Health, Prevention, Primary Care and Prescribing – Chair, Dr Sarah Wild

To establish and implement approaches to support the prevention and detection of type 2 diabetes, rapid diagnosis of type 1 and prevent the complications of diabetes.

Diabetes Foot Care – Chair, Emma Brewin

Improve diabetes foot care to reduce the number of people developing avoidable ulcers. Improve adherence to and train healthcare professionals in the Check, Protect, Refer (CPR) initiative and improve recording of foot assessment on SCI-Diabetes in both primary and secondary care.

Supporting and Developing Staff including Professional and Patient Education – Chair, Jill Little

To ensure healthcare professionals caring for people living with diabetes have access to consistent, high quality diabetes education to equip them with the knowledge, skill and confidence to deliver safe and effective diabetes care.

Diabetes Prescribing Group – Chair, Alison Cockburn

 The role of the Group is to facilitate effective use of diabetes medications within both primary and secondary care.

Lothian Diabetes Representative Group (LDRG)

The LDRG have nominated two members to attend diabetes MCN group meetings representing the views of individuals with diabetes across Lothian. The LDRG have representatives supporting the activities of the diabetes MCN sub groups and short life working groups.