Management of Suspected Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) in people over the Age of 65 in Care Home or Care at Home Settings.

This page is specifically for staff guidance and education to support the management of suspected urinary tract infections in people over the age of 65 who live at home or in a care home setting.
For anyone out with this group NHS Inform has general advice and information for adults who may have a urinary infection. This includes a self help guide as well as when to speak to a GP or Pharmacist.
Education Resources
A variety of education is available: it is recommended that you work through the levels and resources as you and your staff require.
Level 1
Care Pathway for People Living in Care Homes with Suspected Urinary Tract Infection
It is recommended that everyone watches this 15 minute Video.
It can be watched on a computer or mobile device, including a phone. Feel free to stop and start and take notes if it helps.

The function of the urinary tract
What is a urinary tract infection
Common signs and symptoms of UTI
Rationale why urine does to need to be routinely dipped
Management of suspected UTI
To Dip or Not to Dip Training Animation:
How to Obtain a Catheter Specimen of Urine:
The following video demonstrates the procedure for taking a catheter specimen of urine.
Level 2
Downloadable Resources for Care Home Staff
– Care Home UTI Assessment Leaflet
– Assessment Tool – Pathway
– UTI ‘Days Since’ Tracker
Care Home UTI Assessment Leaflet
The following leaflet can be downloaded as a handy reminder amongst staff (the green button below it is to download for printing)
Guidance for Care Home Staff
Below is a assessment tool which can be downloaded (using the green button below) to support staff managing suspecting UTI in care homes
‘Days Since’ Tracker
A handy excel sheet to help track how may days since a UTI was identified in the Care Home.
Download using the green button below

Level 3
Bespoke training
If you, or your team, require additional education and support please contact the NHS Lothian Clinical Education Team via email at : to discuss further.
Post Learning
Recording your reflections on this learning and how it will inform your practice can demonstrate Continuous Professional Learning (CPL)
In addition it may also be used as:
- Evidence for qualifications including SVQ and PDA
- Evidence for SSSC Open Badges
- A discussion tool for supervision
- Part of your organisation’s Personal Development Planning or Appraisal process.

This education package is only one of many offered to those working in care homes and care at home services across the Lothians.
To discover others and find out more information please use the Education and Training Directory