for Care Homes & Care at Home Services
What does the team do?
The Clinical Education and Training Team works collaboratively with other specialist teams to supportively plan and provide education to Care Homes and Care at Home/Services across NHS Lothian (NHSL) by:
- Working with teams to develop and facilitate education sessions within Care Homes and Care at Home services for all staff.
- Providing opportunities for staff to attend a variety of training including clinical skills training.
- Support other teams to deliver education sessions. E.g. Train the trainer sessions, Facilitation of learning (FoL)
- Offer support to Care Homes and Care at Home Services to become Practice learning environment for undergraduate learners.
Care Homes as a Learning Environment
Working in care homes is a rich and rewarding experience, and offers many opportunities for skills development and career progression.
In this video people talk about their own experiences of working in a care home and the skills, professional development and support that are available.
Meet the Team

Team Lead
- Janis Langdale
Administration Assistants
- Karina Greenan
Care Home Education Facilitators (CHEF)
- Ken Dick
- see the Supporting Undergraduate Nurses in Practice Page
Clinical Practice Facilitators/Educators
- Lesley Cameron
- Polly Bisset
- Liz McPherson
- Mary Shields
- Tahira Abbas Ali
Falls and Frailty Clinical Educator
- Michelle Watt
- see Falls and Frailty page
Dementia and Delirium Clinical Educator (all NHSL)
- Heidi Pollock Hay
- see CET Dementia Training page:
To contact the team please email:
Types of courses
The Clinical Education & Training Team (CET) can provide a variety of learning opportunities for Care Homes and Care at Home staff, to meet the needs of the care service and their staff.
These can range from bite size sessions in the Care Home to more traditional one day classroom based learning.
Please contact the Clinical Education and Training team in the first instance to discuss.
Short Sessions in the Workplace
Sessions may included:
- Infection Prevention and Control
- Skin Assessment
- Management of the Distressed Patient
- Food Fluid and Nutrition
- Palliative Care
Calendar of Courses and Classroom Based Learning
A variety of classroom based learning is available to Care Home and Care at Home Staff
These include:
- Clinical skills, including catheterisation, venepuncture etc
- Confirmation of Death
- Palliative Care
- Communication
Please see the main training directory or calendars below for details of available training
How to book and FAQs
To book a course or for further information please email the team
For frequently asked questions about courses please see our FAQ’s sheet