Care Homes NHS Lothian | Our Services

NHS Lothian’s Clinical Education & Training (CET) Team for Care Homes and Care at Home

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Clinical Education & Training (CET) Team for Care Homes & Care at Home

The Team

What do the team do?

CET works collaboratively with other specialist teams to supportively plan and provide timely consistent education to Care Homes/Care at Home/Care Home teams across NHS Lothian (NHSL) and also to advise them how to facilitate an effective learning environment for learners and all staff.

Clinical Education Team Logo
  • Discuss, develop and facilitate education sessions within Care Homes/Care at Home facilities for all staff.
  • Provide opportunities for Care Home/Care at Home staff to attend clinical skills training.
  • Support other teams to deliver education sessions. E.g. Train the trainer sessions, Facilitation of learning (FoL).
  • Offer support to Care Homes/Care at Homes to become Practice learning environment for learners.

Meet the Team

Team Lead

  • Janis Langdale

Administration Assistants

  • Joanne Taylor
  • Karina Greenan

Care Home Education Facilitators (CHEF)

  • Ken Dick
  • Iris Lam

Clinical Practice Facilitators/Educators

  • Lesley Betts
  • Polly Bisset
  • Mary Shields
  • Tahira Abbas Ali

Falls and Frailty Clinical Educator

  • Michelle Watt

Dementia and Delirium Clinical Educator (all NHSL)

  • Heidi Pollock Hay

Clinical Educator NHSL including Dementia/Delirium Education

  • Liz McPherson

To contact the team please email:

Care Homes as Practice Learning Environments (PLE)

Care Homes can provide excellent learning opportunities for nursing students and students from a variety of other healthcare professions.

In providing these learning experiences it also exposes these students to the possibility of a valued career in the Care Home sector on completion of their studies.

Information and useful resources can be found at: PEF CHEF – NHS Lothian | Staff  and on the Practice Learning & Support Hub: Practice Learning Hub. (napier.ac.uk)

If you are interested in your Care Home becoming a Practice Learning Environment for students
and/or you require further information please contact:
Ken Dick, Care Home Education Facilitator, ken.dick@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk

Types of courses

The Clinical Education & Training Team for Care Homes and Care at Home delivers two main types of courses and education sessions.

Knowledge Refresher Sessions – These are bespoke sessions delivered in the Care Homes/Care at Home facilities by Clinical Practice Facilitators.

Knowledge refresher sessions available

open book in a circle with arrows

Topics Available Include:

  • Infection Prevention and Control
  • Skin Assessment
  • Management of the Distressed Patient
  • Food Fluid and Nutrition
  • Palliative Care

To book a session or for further information please email the team

Courses – These are courses where staff members will attend a venue outwith the Care Home/Care at Home environment for training, at times this will be alongside staff from other Care Homes/Care at Home services.

Courses available


Clinical Skills

  • Catheterisation
  • Enteral Tube Feeding
  • McKinley T34 Syringe Driver
  • Venepuncture
  • Vital Signs

Palliative Care

For more information on Palliative Care and courses offered by the Palliative Care Team please see the Palliative Care Team webpages

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Teaching package in development

Please see the education and training calendar for July to December 2023 training dates.

To book a course or for further information please email the team

How to book and FAQs

To book a course or for further information please email the team

For frequently asked questions about courses please see our FAQ’s sheet

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