Bereavement Service NHS Lothian | Our Services

Support Services

There are many organisations that offer help and support to bereaved people. Details of some of these are listed below, however there are many more.

Please contact the Bereavement Service to find out about other services, or for more information.


My Gov Scot Information about the Funeral Support Payment which helps people, in Scotland, to pay for funeral costs, if they receive certain benefits. Online webchat service available.
Tel: 0800 182 2222 (option 1) (Monday-Friday 8am-6pm)
Website: https://www. mygov.scot/funeral-support-payment

DWP Bereavement Service
This is for people who live in the UK but outwith Scotland. It is a helpline that checks your eligibility for Funeral Expenses Payments.
Tel: 0800 731 0469 (Monday-Friday 8am-5pm)
Textphone: 0845 606 0285 Website: https://www.gov.uk

Money Helper (Via the Money and Pension Service – formally The Money Advice Service) Free and impartial information and guidance regarding money matters, backed by gov.uk Tel: 0800 138 7777 Email: enquiries@maps.org.uk Website: https://maps.org.uk & https://www.moneyhelper.org.uk

Citizens Advice Scotland
There are many branches throughout Edinburgh and The Lothians. Opening times vary. Please check the Citizens Advice website for detail of your nearest branch. They mainy offer a signposting service for those bereaved and may assist with completing forms, if required. Tel: 0131 510 5510 (Edinburgh) 0131 653 2748 (Musselburgh) 0131 660 1636 (Dalkeith) 01506 432 977 (Livingston). Website: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk

Down to Earth (part of Quaker Social Action) If you are worried about paying for a funeral, Down to Earth offers free advocacy and practical guidance on finding the most affordable and appropriate funeral. They can also help you to apply for financial assistance. Tel: 02089 835 055 (Monday-Friday 10am-4pm) Email: downtoearth@qsa.org.uk Website: https://www.quakersocialaction.org.uk/Pages/Category/down-to-earth

Turn2us This is a national charity that helps people in financial hardship to gain access to welfare benefits and charitable grants. Tel: 0808 802 2000 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm) Email: communications@turn2us.org.uk Website: https://www.turn2us.org.uk


Practical advice and information on what to do after a death, as well as help finding bereavement support.
Tel: 0131 242 6995 or 0131 242 1996 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm)
Email: bereavement.service@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk

A charity offering bereavement information and support, including face-to-face couselling, at local offices around Scotland. A waiting list is likely to apply. Cruse offers play counselling for 5-10 year olds. 11 years-Adulthood are offered one-to-one counselling. Also, LGBT+ specific bereavement support available.
Tel: 0808 802 6161 (Monday-Thursday 9am-8pm & Friday 10am-4pm)
Email: support@crusescotland.org.uk
Website: https://www.crusescotland.org.uk

For CRUSE, in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, contact:
Helpline: 0808 808 1677
Email: helpline@cruse.org.uk
Website: https://www.cruse.org.uk

Support for anyone in a crisis.
Helpline: 116 123 (24 hours a day, every day)
Email: jo@samaritans.org
Website: https://www.samaritans.org

Stepping Stones Bereavement Support Stepping Stones will meet in Port Seton Community Centre starting Tuesday 8th October 2024 from 7pm-8.30pm and on the 2nd Tuesday of each month then after. For more information contact the coordinator on – steppingstones.mail@gmail.com

BREATHING SPACE Free helpline which provides a listening ear, advice and information. Breathing Space also offers a web-based service for those experiencing low mood, depression or anxiety. Helpline: 0800 83 85 87 (Monday-Thursday 6pm-2am & Friday-Sunday 6pm-6am) Website: https://breathingspace.scot

AT A LOSS (Scotland) This LGBT+ Helpline provides a place where you can bring anything to the call. They have access to a wide range of information, including bereavement support. Helpline: 0300 123 2523 (Tuesday & Wednesday 12noon-9pm, Thursday & Sunday 1pm-6pm) Email: helpline@lgbthealth.org.uk Website: https://www.lgbthealth.org.uk

STEPPING STONES TO WELLBEING (The Bridge Community Project) Supports people in West Lothian to participate in carefully developed groups and courses such as Mental Wellbeing; The Impact of Bereavement and Loss. Tel: 01506 238 980 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm ~ voicemail service available out with these times) Email: sstw@bridgecommunityproject.org.uk OR helpline@bridgecommunityproject.org.uk Website: Bridge Community Project – connecting home with hope

CHANGES Based in Musselburgh. Offers a confidential space to talk through issues that may be affecting your ability to function from day to day. Day and evening appointments are available. Tel: 0131 653 3977 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm) Email: info@changeschp.org.uk Website: https://www.changeschp.org.uk/counselling/

MACMILLAN CANCER SUPPORT Bereavement support if your partner, relative or friend has died. Helping you to cope with your emotions and the practical things you have to do after a death. Email or chat online via the wesite. Tel: 0808 808 0000 (Free helpline 7 days a week 8am-8pm) Website: https://www.macmillan.org.uk/cancer-information-and-support/supporting-someone/coping-with-bereavement

SUDEP Action (Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy) This service includes bereavement support and counselling for those bereaved as a result of a death due to Epilepsy. Tel: 01235 772850  Email: support@sudep.org Website: http://sudep.org

SCOTTISH FAMILIES AFFECTED BY ALCOHOL AND DRUGS Support and counselling for people bereaved through alcohol or drugs. Phone: 08080 10 10 11 (Option2 ~ Monday-Friday 9am-5pm ~ voicemail service outwith these times). Email: bereavement@sfad.org.uk Website: http://www.sfad.org.uk/support-services/bereavement

SURVIVORS OF BEREAVEMENT BY SUICIDE (SOBS) Support and advice for people bereaved by suicide. The Edinburgh branch offers online zoom meetings on the last Thursday of the month (7pm-8:30pm) and face-to-face group meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of each month (6:30pm-8:30pm).
Helpline: 07538719993 (voicemail in service ~ every call will be returned)
Email: edinburgh@uksobs.org
Website: http://uksobs.org

NEIL’S HUGS FOUNDATION Support groups available across West Lothian and Clackmannanshire. They help, understand and give support to families and friends affected by suicide. Tel: 07446 717 501 (Monday-Friday 10am-6pm ~ voicemail in service if no-one available to take your call). Email: Neilshugsfoundation@gmail.com Website: https://www.neilshugsfoundation.com

CHRIS’S HOUSE Based in Dalkeith (Temporarily Closed) and Wishaw. Provides support and advice for people bereaved by suicide. Tel: Dalkeith 0131 357 1671 (Monday & Sunday 11am-3pm ~ Tuesday & Thursday 11am-9pm) Wishaw 01236 766 755. Voicemail in service 24/7. Email: info@chrisshouse.org Website: https://chrisshouse.org

PETAL Support (People Experiencing Trauma and Loss) A Scottish charity, based in Hamilton, supporting families and friends of murder, culpable homicide and suicide victims. Tel: 01698 324 502 (Monday-Thursday (9am-5pm & Friday 9am-4pm). Email: info@petalsupport.com Website: http://www.petalsupport.com

BRAKE (Road Safety Charity)
A charity which supports people bereaved and seriously injured by road crashes.
Helpline:  0808 8000 401 (Monday-Friday 10am 4pm ~ voicemail service outwith these times)
Email: help@brake.org.uk or info@roadspace.org
Website: http://www.brake.org.uk

A charity which accesses a range of services to help you cope and recover after a road crash, whether you are bereaved or seriously injured.
Helpline: 0845 4500 355 (Monday-Friday 10am-1pm ~ time may be extended in the near future).
Email: helpline@roadpeace.org
Website: http://www.roadpeace.org

W.A.Y. (Widowed and Young) Age: under 51 years of age at the time of bereavement. UK members pay a yearly fee to join. Members offer each other peer support, set up events, arrange meet-ups etc. Tel: 0300 201 0051 (Monday-Friday 9:30am-5pm) Email: enquiries@widowedandyoung.org.uk Website: https://www.widowedandyoung.org.uk

WAY UP (Online Widow Support Group) Way Up is an active online self-help group aimed at providing mutual support to those who have been widowed primarily, but not exclusively, in their 50’s and 60’s. It is a group with positive, forward-looking attitude to rebuilding life and discovering that lives can be good again and that we can be happy once more. Website: https://www.way-up.co.uk

THE SILVER LINE (for people over 55 years of age) Free 24 hour helpline service and weekly befriending telephone calls ~ linked with Age UK. Helpline: 0800 470 8090 Befriending: 0800 434 6105 Textphone: 0845 226 5851 Email: info@thesilverline.org.uk Website: https://www.thesilverline.org.uk

AGE UK (SCOTLAND) Age Scotland signposts those looking for bereavement support, to local support groups. They also offer a telephone befriending service on a weekly basis. Helpline: 0800 1244 222 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm) Edinburgh Head Office: 0333 323 2400 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm) Email: info@agescotland.org.uk Website: http://www.ageuk.org.uk

Bereavement Support for Baby and Child Loss

ARC (Antenatal Results and Choices) A safe place for parents to make contact with other people who have lost a baby following a prenatal diagnosis. Tel: 02077 137 486 (Monday-Friday 10am-5:30pm ~ voicemail service outwith these times). Evening calls can be booked by emailing ARC. Email: info@arc-uk.org Website: https://www.arc-uk.org

THE MISCARRIAGE ASSOCIATION Support for those affected by miscarriage, molar pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy. Online chats, zoom meetings and helpline facilities. Helpline: 01924 200 799 (Monday-Friday 9am-4pm ~ voicemail service outwith these times). Email: info@miscarriageassociation.org.uk Website: https://www.miscarriageassociation.org.uk

A charity that provide support and understanding for families following the death of a baby, from 13 weeks gestation into early childhood. They offer befriending, one-to-one counselling, support group meetings as well as zoom support meetings. They have bases in Edinbrugh and Livingston but cover all of Edinburgh, the Lothians, Fife and Forth Valley.
Tel: 0131 622 6263 (Monday-Friday 9am-2pm ~ voicemail service available).
Email: info@heldinourhearts.org.uk
Website: https://heldinourhearts.org.uk

SANDS (Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society)
A safe place to grieve and to find support for families and professionals.
Helpline: 0808 164 3332 (Monday-Friday 10am-3pm. Tuesday & Thursday 6pm-9pm)
Email: helpline@sands.org.uk
Website: http://www.sands.org.uk

Provides support and information for families who have experienced sudden, unexplained death in infants (SUDI – also known as sudden unexpected death in infancy or sudden infant death syndrome).
Tel: 0141 357 3946 (Monday-Friday 9:30am-4pm).
Email: contact@scottishcotdeathtrust.org
Website: http://www.scottishcotdeathtrust.org

Simba charity gift memory boxes to bereaved parents and families in Scotland who have experienced a loss of their baby. There are three sizes of memory boxes that are offered dependent on time of loss. Sculptures have been installed across Scotland, offering families a gentle space to visit and think of their baby. Simba also help to refurbish bereavement rooms in hospitals that parents use to birth and spend precious time with their baby and give them an opportunity to make a lifetime of memories.
Telephone: 0131 353 0055
Email: enquiries@simbacharity.org.uk
Website: www.simbacharity.org.uk

SAYING GOODBYE SERVICES Memorial services can be attended in person or online. They are a way of saying goodbye for people who have lost a child during pregnancy, at birth or in infancy, either recently, or many years ago. Also, for those who have been through fertility treatment or who have never been able to have children for whatever reason. Details of upcoming serices available online. Tel: 0300 323 1350 (voicemail service, if no-one available when you call). Email: support@sayinggoodbye.org Website: https://www.sayinggoodbye.org

Support for families (parents, siblings and grandparents) who have experienced the death of a child (at any age).
UK Helpline: 0345 123 2304 (Every day 10am-4pm & 7pm-10pm ~ voicemail sevice if call can’t be taken, initially).
Email: helpline@tcf.org.uk
Website: http://www.tcf.org.uk/

Support for anyone affected by the death of a child (at any age). The helpline is staffed by volunteers, all of them bereaved parents, who have been trained, supervised and supported by professional teams within the Great Ormond Street Hospital. An interpreting service is available.
Helpline: 0800 282 986 (Every evening 7pm-10pm, Monday- Friday 10am-1pm & Tuesday and Wednesday 1pm-4pm).   Email: contact@childdeathhelpline.org
Website: http://www.childdeathhelpline.org.uk/

A national charity providing support for bereaved families, children and professionals. This organisation helps people to rebuild their lives when a child dies.
Tel: 0800 028 8840 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm) Email: helpline@childbereavementuk.org OR scotlandsupport@childbereavementuk.org Website: http://www.childbereavementuk.org

Based in Livingston, this foundation supports children and young people affected by cancer, their families, friends and those bereaved. Tel: 01506 412 302 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm).
Email:  info@teamjak.org.uk
Website: http://www.teamjak.org.uk

Bereavement Support for Children and Young People

Childline is available to help anyone under the age of 19, in the UK, with any distressing issues that they are going through. One-to-one consellor chats available online.
Helpline (freephone): 0800 11 11 (24 hours a day, every day) Email: email from your locker.
Website: http://www.childline.org.uk/

A national charity providing support for bereaved families, children and professionals. This organisation helps children, young people, parents and families to rebuild their lives when a child dies.
Tel: 0800 028 8840 Email: support@childbereavementuk.org
Website: http://www.childbereavementuk.org

A national charity providing support for bereaved children and young people.
Helpline: 08088 020 021 (Monday-Friday 9am – 5pm ~ closed bank holidays ~ voicemail service available).
Email: ask@winstonswish.org
Website: http://www.winstonswish.org 

A local charity providing support for bereaved children and young people, aged 4 to 18 years old. Based in Edinburgh, The Lothians, The Borders & Glasgow.
Tel: 0131 661 6818 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm).
Email: info@richmondshope.org.uk
Website: http://www.richmondshope.org.uk/

HOPE AGAIN Hope Again is the youth website of Cruse Bereavement Care. It is a safe place, where young people who are facing grief can share their stories with others.
Helpline: 0808 808 1677 (Monday-Friday 9.30am – 5pm)
Email: hopeagain@cruse.org.uk
Website: http://www.hopeagain.org.uk/

GRIEF MATTERS A bereavement service, based within West Lothian Drug and Alcohol Service, for young people aged 12-18 years, who live in West Lothian and who have been affected by an unexpected death (the bereavement does not need to be substance related). Tel: 01506 430 225 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm). Email: enquiries@wldas.org Website: http://www.wldas.com

Based in Livingston, this foundation supports children and young people affected by cancer, their families, friends and those bereaved. Tel: 01506 412 302 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm).
Email:  info@teamjak.org.uk
Website: http://www.teamjak.org.uk

Support for families (parents, siblings and grandparents) who have experienced the death of a child (at any age).
UK Helpline: 0345 123 2304 (Every day 10am-4pm & 7pm-10pm ~ voicemail sevice if call can’t be taken, initially).
Email: helpline@tcf.org.uk
Website: http://www.tcf.org.uk/