Bereavement Service NHS Lothian | Our Services


The Bereavement Service holds a library of resources and can provide a wide range of information for bereaved people and professionals. These cover many different topics, formats and target groups.

Some of the main resources we recommend are listed below. Copies of these may be available from the Bereavement Service or can be downloaded from the links below. Please contact us to find out about other resources, or for more information. 

General Information

When Some Dies Leaflet
A short, simple booklet containing advice and information on practical matters that need to be dealt with when someone dies – registering the death, arranging the funeral, etc – and also a section on thoughts, feelings, and sources of further support.
NHS Scotland

What to do after a death in Scotland…practical advice for times of bereavement (11th Edition)
A booklet containing more detailed information about what to do after someone dies in Scotland, including information about succession and inheritance law.
Scottish Government

Information for bereaved relatives – the role of the Procurator Fiscal in the investigation of deaths
A booklet containing information about the Procurator Fiscal’s role in investigating sudden, suspicious and unexplained deaths.
This booklet has been translated into the following languages:

Alternative formats:
Easy Read – you may find the “Easy Read” version of the above booklet helpful.
Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service

Information about emotional and psychological aspects of dealing with bereavement and grief.
The website also has bereavement information translated into the following languages:

Royal College of Psychiatrists


The Rainbow Pack

A series of leaflets to help parents and carers following the death of a child.
NHS Lothian

Death of a child

Information sheets for family, friends and others who have an interest or concern in supporting bereaved children and young people.
Child Bereavement UK

Bereavement: helping parents and children cope when someone close to them dies
A leaflet for parents explaining how children and young people respond to death and suggesting ways to help them come to terms with grief and bereavement.
Understanding Childhood

Death in the family: helping children to cope
A factsheet for parents and teachers explaining how children respond to death, how to help them cope, and warning signs to look out for that indicate professional help may be needed.
The website also has similar information translated into the following languages:

Royal College of Psychiatrists

Children & Young People

when someone dies… how to cope when someone dear to you is gone
A leaflet for young people giving advice on coping with the death of someone close.
NHS Health Scotland

Older People

Bereavement. Support after a death
A self-help booklet for older people including information on practical matters and thoughts and feelings associated with bereavement.
Age UK

When Someone Dies. A step-by-step guide to what to do
A step-by-step guide to dealing with practical and financial issues when someone dies.
Age UK

People with Learning Disabilities

Let’s Talk About Death
A booklet about death and funerals for adults who have a learning disability.
Down’s Syndrome Scotland

​Going to a funeral
An ​easy read booklet about going to a funeral when someone dies.
Change Macmillan

What can help you feel better when someone dies
​An easy read booklet with information and tips about what might help you to feel better when someone dies.
​Change  / Macmillan

People Bereaved by Suicide

After a suicide
A self-help booklet for older people including information on practical matters and thoughts and feelings associated with bereavement.
Scottish Association for Mental Health