Onward Referral Guidance
You may be aware that public bodies are currently under significant financial pressures. Unfortunately, due to reductions in the mental health budget and the overall financial challenges being experienced by health boards, services across NHS Lothian are being reviewed in order to make savings.
Veterans First Point Lothian has until now been jointly funded by NHS Lothian and Scottish Government. Unfortunately, NHS Lothian has taken the difficult decision to withdraw its portion of the funding in order to meet some of the required savings. As a result, this service will no longer be in a position to operate in the same way.
If you are currently under the active care and treatment of Veterans First Point Lothian, this will continue in the short-term, but your therapist/ Peer support worker will work with you to develop an appropriate care and treatment plan. Services in their current format will come to a close by the end of the financial year.
This document has been developed to help you identify alternative partner services that can help with a range of difficulties. It has not been possible to include all our partners, but the document will give a guide for navigating some help. If you would like to discuss options with a member of the team, please don’t hesitate to call Veterans First Point on 0131 220 9920.
If you are experiencing mental health difficulties, we would recommend in the first instance discussing these in a consultation with your GP. They will be able to facilitate the most appropriate referral to local NHS mental health services. We have also included a range of partners that provide specific mental health support for veterans. If you would like to discuss these options, please contact the relevant service or chat to a member of the Veterans First Point team. | ||
Contact through online form | Walking with the wounded Provides personalised support to ex-service personnel. WWTW can help with employment, mental health and support care co-ordination | Visit their website at Ask for Help | Walking With The Wounded |
Online Group Every Wednesday and Sunday 19.00 – 20.30 Face to Face Meetings Tuesdays 11.00 | Veteran UK Smart Recovery Meeting (Alcohol, Drugs, Gambling or online shopping) Online group and Face to Face Meetings now available. | Veteran UK SMART Recovery Hub 11, St Andrews Street Dalkeith EH22 1AL SMART Veterans Programme – UK SMART Recovery Tuesdays meeting – Whitefoord House, 61 Canongate, Edinburgh, EH8 8BS |
Anytime | Combat Stress Provide clinical treatment and support focusing on those with complex mental health issues resulting from their experiences during military service | If you need support please call 0800 138 1619 Serving personnel and their families can call 0800 323 4444. You can also text on 07537 173 683 or Email: helpline@combatstress.org.uk |
Everyday (working day) | Who Dares Cares – The aim of our charity is to help support our Armed Forces, Emergency Services and Veterans including their Families and Dependants who are suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) | Website: Who Dares Cares Email: wdc@who-dares-cares.com Facebook: Who Dares Cares Twitter: who_dares_cares LinkedIn: Who Dares Cares Instagram: whodarescares |
Anytime | Chris’s House Centre for Help, Response and Intervention Surrounding Suicide | Chris’s House Email: info@chrisshouse.org Telephone: 01236766755 Facebook: chrisshouse.org |
Monday-Friday 08.30 – 16.00 | Royal Navy & Royal Marines Charity / Relate (Free confidential relationship and Family Support) | Royal Navy & Royal Marines Charity Contact: 023 9298 1920 Email: support@rnrmc.org.uk |
Monday-Friday 09.00 – 17.00 | Rock 2 Recovery (one to one coaching for veterans and affected family) | Email: support@rock2recovery.co.uk Tel: 01395 220 072 |
Anytime | Changes Mental Health – We support and work with everyone, from those who are having a difficult time with their mental health to those who struggle to access services for a range of reasons. We work with people who experience significant mental health issues or illness such as schizophrenia or experience psychosis, and in hard-to-reach rural areas across Scotland. | Changes Mental Health 6 Newington Business Centre, Dalkeith Road Mews, Edinburgh, EH16 5GA Information Line: 0300 323 1545 Office Number: 0131 662 4359 Website: www.supportinmindscotland.org.uk Email: info@supportinmindscotland.org.uk Twitter: @suppinmindscom |
Monday to Friday 0900 – 1630 | Help for Heroes Help for Heroes is a leading Armed Forces and veterans’ charity in the UK. we can help our veterans and their families live well after service. | Website: https://www.helpforheroes.org.uk/ Email: GetSupport@helpforheroes.org.uk Twitter: Help for Heroes (@HelpforHeroes) / Twitter |
Anytime | RCA Trust RCA Trust are the main support provider for gambling-related harms in Scotland. | Call: 0141 887 0880 Email: info@rcatrust.org.uk |
Contact for more details | Thistle lifestyle Management Course Ten week veterans life style management course. | Email: info@thistle.org.uk or call 0131 661 3366 |
Contact for more information | Thrive Edinburgh An innovative new strategy for improving the mental health and wellbeing of all citizens in Edinburgh. | www.edinburghthrive.com |
Contact for more information | Drug & Alcohol Recovery Hubs: One stop shops that offer a full range of drug and alcohol treatment and support services | NW Edinburgh – 0131 332 2314 SW Edinburgh – 0131 453 9406 NE Edinburgh – 0131 5547516 SE Edinburgh – 0131 661 5294 |
Anytime | Supporting Wounded Veterans Pain Management, Mentoring and mental health support available. | Supporting Wounded Veterans To register for a course please click the link below and apply online www.supportingwoundedveterans.com |
Monday to Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm | Defence Medical Welfare Services Providing support to any member of the veterans’ community currently in hospital and due to be discharged back to the community. Can assist with appropriate adaptations to the home, housing and supported onward referral. | Defence Medical Welfare Services Tel: 07789982621 Email: loth.veteransdmws@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk |
Monday – Friday 0900 – 1630 | UK Veterans Hearing Foundation Charity dedicated to supporting veterans who suffer from hearing loss and associated tinnitus. | Telephone: 01455 248900 Email: info@veteranshearing.org.uk |
Contact for details | Sight Scotland VETERANS Supports veterans with Sights and support you to adapt to sight loss, restoring your confidence and regaining independence. | Call 0800 035 6409 |
Contact for details | Blesma The Limbless Veterans Provides practical, emotional and financial support to injured military personnel, their families and widow(er)s | Blesma Tel: Mon-Fri, 9.00 – 5.00 pm 020 8590 1124 Email: info@blesma.org |
Times vary at each location | Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) | National line to find local Citizens Advice Bureau by calling 0800 028 1456 Or online Citizens Advice |
Monday – Friday 09.00 – 17.00 | Poppyscotland Poppyscotlandsupports the Armed Forces community in Scotland, including serving and ex-serving personnel and their families. | Poppyscotland Telephone: 0131 550 1557 / 0808 802 8080 Email: info@britishlegion.org.uk. Website: www.poppyscotland.org.uk |
As Required | SSAFA SSAFA can help provide practical, financial and emotional support for service personnel, veterans and their families. | Website: Get help | SSAFA Call: 0800 260 6767 |
As Required | The Royal Marines Charity Transition Support Officers Offering support to vulnerable veterans and vulnerable service leavers. | Website: Contact Us – RMA – The Royal Marines Charity (rma-trmc.org) Call: 0800 468 1664 Email: welfareteam@rma-trmc.org |
As Required | Veterans UK Provides free support for veterans and their families, Veterans Welfare Services, Defence Transition Services and injury /bereavement compensation scheme payments | Call: 0141 224 2709 or 0808 1914 218 |
As Required | HOMELESS VETERANS PROJECT Assist Veterans who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. | Website: www.homelessveteransproject.org Call: Alex/Donna on 07498378563/4 Email: homelessveteransproject1945@gmail.com |
As Required | Riverside, OP Fortitude Support veterans at risk of or experiencing homelessness, supporting them either into suitable accommodation, or supporting them to maintain their current home | Website: Op FORTITUDE- Riverside Care and Support Call: 08009520774 |
Anytime | Scottish Veterans Residences (SVR) Providing accommodation and support to Veterans who are homeless, at risk of homelessness or in need. Our Residence in Edinburgh, Whitefoord House, is a registered Housing Support Service with 86 en-suite rooms and a full catering service. | Scottish Veterans Residences, Whitefoord House, 53 Canongate, Edinburgh EH8 8BS. Tel: 0131 556 6827 Email: info@svronline.org Online referral form: https://www.svronline.org/housing-enquiry/ |
As required | Housing Options Scotland Homeless Options Scotland Complete the “get help” form online. | The Melting Pot 15 Calton Road Edinburgh EH8 8DL https://housingoptionsscotland.org.uk Phone:0131 510 1567 |
Anytime | Veterans Housing Scotland Veterans homes across the country https://www.vhscot.org.uk/applicant/ | Veterans Housing Scotland To see if you meet the criteria contact 0131 557 1188 admin@vhscot.org.uk |
Self Referral | The Forces Employment Charity The Forces Employment Charity provides life-long, life-changing support, job opportunities, and training to Service leavers, veterans, reservists and their families, regardless of circumstances, rank, length of service, or reason for leaving. | The Forces Employment Charity Tel: 0121 262 3058 Website: https://www.forcesemployment.org.uk |
As Required | Solicitors for the Armed Forces Community (Scotland) Help to veterans with any legal enquiries. | Contact: Lesley Stewart, Solicitor (former WRNS/RN) Email: SFAFCS@outlook.com Call: 07905 798016 |
ANYTIME | Fares 4 Free – Providing transportation to access essential services and support people attending everyday events which reduce loneliness and isolation. | www.Fares4free.org Tel: 01412666000 Facebook: Fares4Free |
Monday-Friday 09.00 – 17.00 | Legion Scotland Veterans Community Support Service (befriending support all over Scotland to veterans living with Isolation & Loneliness) | Contact: Tommy Douglas – 07535642950 Email: support@legionscotland.org.uk |
Times and dates vary. Contact LVC or see Facebook for more information | Lothian Veterans Centre Drop in | LVC 11 Eskdaill Court Dalkeith, EH22 1AG Contact: Pauline – 07443 878993, Kevin – 07745 585388, Eilidh – 07596321644, Office – 01316605537 Email: contact@lvc.scot Facebook: @LothiansVets |
First Saturday of the month: 09:30 for 10:00 | East LothianVeterans Breakfast Club £7.50 | British Legion, Rope Walk, Prestonpans, East Lothian EH32 9HL Facebook: East Lothian Veterans Breakfast Club |
See Facebook for any changes to regular dates and times | MidlothianVeterans Breakfast Club £5 | Elginhaugh Farm, 9 Gilmerton Road, Lasswade, EH18 1AZ Facebook: Midlothian Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Club |
Last Saturday of the Month 09:30-10:00 | EdinburghVeterans Breakfast Club £5 | Mid Yoken 75 Craigmount Brae, Edinburgh, EH12 8XF Contact: Gary Louttit – 07876 356605 Facebook: Edinburgh Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Club |
Times and dates vary. Contact LVC or see Facebook for more information | Lothians Veterans Centre Over 50’s Social Club Wednesday’s 10am-12pm. Bacon roll mornings – (Fridays 1030-1200) | LVC 11 Eskdaill Court Dalkeith, EH22 1AG Contact: Pauline – 07443 878993, Kevin – 07745 585388, Eilidh – 07596321644 Office – 01316605537 Email: contact@lvc.scot Facebook: @LothiansVets |
Mondays 1030 – 1230 | MUSSELBURGH AND DISTRICT VETERANS (Drop in Group) Time to talk and support each other. Free tea, coffee and biscuits. All veterans, families and carers welcome. | The Hollies Hub, 183 High Street, Musselburgh (fully Disabled access). For enquiries call Karl Cleghorn Phone: 07977 544194 |
Wednesdays 1800-2100 | Veterans Community Cafe “By veterans for veterans” Food and cakes available at no cost. | Stafford Centre 103 Broughton Street, Edinburgh, EH1 3RZ Contact: Joe Sangster – 07780614470 |
Second Saturday of the Month 0900 – 1130 | LivingstonVeterans Breakfast Club £5 | Chain Runner, Almondvale Way, Livingston, West Lothian, EH54 6GA Contact: George Ross – 07387299521 Email: livingstonafvbc@gmail.com |
Fighting with pride Drop In | Fighting with prideCome for a brew and a catch up. FWP is a ‘lived experience’ LGBT+ charity, supporting those seeking help and a resource for those who seek to help them. | Website: www.fightingwithpride.org.uk Twitter: @fightingwpride Facebook: @fightingwithpride email: dougie.morgan@fightingwithpride.org.uk |
Wednesdays 10:30 – 12:00 | Veterans NAAFI Break | Legion Hall, Linburn, Wilkieston, EH27 8DU Tel: 07799565243 Email: milmussco@yahoo.com |
Fridays 10:30 – 14:00 | Veterans Friday Club | Legion Hall, Linburn, Wilkieston, EH27 8DU Tel: 07799565243 Email: milmussco@yahoo.com |
Last Sunday of the month 09:00 – 11:00 | Veterans Breakfast Club Followed by the Veterans Model Group | Legion Hall, Linburn, Wilkieston, EH27 8DU Tel: 07799565243 Email: milmussco@yahoo.com |
Specific times and dates vary contact for more information | Stand Easy Productions / Hidden Route (Free Drama Project suitable for Veterans and their families) | Stand Easy Productions Website: https://www.standeasyproductions.org/ Email: markstandeasyproductions@gmail.com Facebook: Stand Easy Productions |
This will be discussed with you once you have been referred in. | HorseBack UK (is a charity set up to empower service personnel & Veterans suffering from life-changing injuries and PTSD, and to aid them on their road to recovery) | HorseBack UK For further information or to apply for a course please contact Emma – emma@horseback.org.uk |
Times and dates vary. Contact or see website for more information | Forces Of Nature – “Family friendly activities run alongside our established gardening project” | Forces Of Nature: InfoForcesOfNature@sacro.org.uk Facebook: @sacroForcesOfNature |
Times and dates vary. Contact or see website for more information Last Sunday of every Month | Who Dares Cares West Lothian Walk, Talk & Brew The Walk, Talk & Brew coordinator will meet with a group of people who maybe just want to clear their head, but have the support of our volunteers there to listen and offer advice. Check Facebook Group for Events. | Who Dares Cares Contact: George Ross Mobile: 07387299521 Email: wdc@who-dares-cares.com Facebook Group: Walk_Talk_Brew Twitter: Walk_Talk_Brew |
The 2nd and 4th Friday of every Month | Veterans Archery Between 11am to 3pm No charge | Archers Hall 66 Buccleuch Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9LR |
Contact for more information | Venture Trust Outdoor therapy Wellbeing Hub Employability Hub | Venture Trust call their administration team on 01786 447 637 or email us on info@venturetrust.org.uk |
Anytime | Models For Heroes Providing Armed Forces, Veterans and Public Services with models tailored to their interests to support mental wellbeing. | Website: https://www.modelsforheroes.org.uk/ Email: info@modelsforheroes.org.uk |
Self Referral | Veterans Tribe Scotland Use many forms of creativity and wellbeing in there events and activities, helping Veterans and their family members maintain good mental and physical health and wellness | Veterans Tribe Scotland Website: www.veteranstribescotland.co.uk |
Anytime | HeadFIT For Life (HeadFIT is a mental health support website) | HeadFIT: https://headfit.org/ | ||||
Times and dates vary. Contact or see website for more information | Photography Fitness & Yoga 1-2-1 Singing Sessions Art Class Guitar Lessons Theatre Development Workshop | Soldiers’ Arts Academy Email: info@soldiersartsacademy.com Facebook: Soldiers’ Arts Academy CIC | ||||
Anytime | Wellbeing Lothian Information and tools to help with mental health and wellbeing. | Wellbeing Lothian: www.wellbeinglothian.scot | ||||
Contact for more information | Wellbeing Coaching Lifestyle Management Course Mindfulness Physical Activity Support | Thistle Foundation: 13 Queens Walk, Edinburgh, EH16 4EA Contact: Ross Grieve Email: referrals@thistle.org.uk | ||||
Allocated when you sign up. | Comradeship Circles (Connect with a group of other armed forces veterans through a weekly phone call. Veterans aged 50+ or their partners) | Age Scotland To sign up or find out more information Telephone: 0800 12 44 222 Email: veteransproject@agescotland.org.uk | ||||
Anytime | Reading Force – FREE books and scrapbooks to families with children and grandchildren aged 0-18. Have fun sharing stories! | Reading Force: https://www.readingforce.org.uk/join-reading-force/ (To apply please click the link above) | ||||
Anytime | Togetherall – “Togetherall is a safe, online community where people support each other anonymously to improve mental health and wellbeing.” | Veterans can register for free at https://togetherall.com | ||||
09.00 – 17.00 Excluding weekends and bank holidays | Royal Air Forces Association (Free online mental wellbeing training courses) | Royal Air Forces Association Contact: Tel: 0800 018 2361 Facebook: RAF Association Website & to Book online: https://findingittough.rafa.org.uk/ |
LGBTQI+ | ||||||
As Required | Fighting with pride FWP is a ‘lived experience’ LGBT+ charity, supporting those seeking help and a resource for those who seek to help them. | Website: www.fightingwithpride.org.uk Twitter: @fightingwpride Facebook: @fightingwithpride undefined Email: dougie.morgan@fightingwithpride.org.uk | ||||
Veterans at Risk of Becoming Involved in the Criminal Justice System | ||||||
Anytime | SACRO – Veterans Mentoring Service Veterans in or at risk of becoming involved in the criminal justice system | Email: veterans@sacro.org.uk Point of Contact is Andy Gray. |
Support for Wider Veteran Community | ||||||
As Required | Forces Children Scotland We are passionate about supporting children and young people from serving, reservist and veteran families across Scotland to realise their potential and thrive. It’s something we have been doing for over two-hundred years. | Forces Children Scotland: 15 Hill Street, Edinburgh, EH2 3JP Web: https://forceschildrenscotland.org.uk Tel: 01313227350 Email: admin@forceschildrenscotland.org.uk Twitter: @forceschildscotFacebook: Forces Children Scotland | ||||
As Required | Shared Parenting Scotland – For us, shared parenting is where parents who live apart share the care and responsibilities for their children as equally as possible. Shared parenting takes a flexible, child-centred approach where the child’s welfare and wellbeing are central to parenting. | Shared Parenting Scotland: 10 Palmerston Place, Edinburgh, EH12 5AA Telephone: 0131 557 2440 Email: info@sharedparenting.scot | ||||
Monday-Friday 09.00 – 17.00 | Rock 2 Recovery (one to one coaching for veterans and affected family) | Contact V1P for a referral or Email:support@rock2recovery.co.uk Tel: 01395 220 072 |
Pastoral Care | ||||||
As Required | Veterans Chaplaincy Scotland “A proactive service providing pastoral care to our veterans and their families promoting hope, healing and acceptance.” | Call: 07521 63 88 48 Email: vcs@wpcscotland.co.uk | ||||
As Required | CAPS Veteran Advocacy CAPS Independent Advocacy is bringing together veterans interested in using their shared experiences to improve the services offered to military veterans and their families in Scotland. | For more information Email: jessica@capsadvocacy.org |
Older Age Veterans | ||||||
As required | Unforgotten Forces is a partnership of charities working together to deliver high quality and joined-up support that boosts the health and wellbeing of ex-Armed Forces personnel in Scotland age 60 and older | Call: 0333 323 2400 Email: veteransproject@atescotland.org.uk |
![]() | Mood Coach | Mood Coach is an app for Veterans, Service members and others to learn and practice behavioural activation | ||||
![]() | PTSD Coach | PTSD Coach app provides you with education about PTSD. It was designed for those who have or may have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. | ||||
![]() | Samaritans Veterans | Samaritans Veterans app, Out to You, provides UK, Military Service Leavers and Veterans with Emotional health and well-being information, guidance and resources. Out to You is designed to give you the tools to identify and navigate the emotional health challenges experienced when transitioning out of the military and in your life beyond the forces. | ||||
![]() | Happify | Happify is a science based activities and games app which can help you overcome negative thoughts, stress and life’s challenges. | ||||
![]() | Self-Help for Anxiety Management | Self-Help for Anxiety Management (SAM) is a friendly app that offers a range of self-help methods for people who are serious about learning to manage their anxiety. | ||||
![]() | Mind Shift | Mind Shift is a totally free based anxiety tool which uses proven strategies based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). | ||||
![]() | Calm | Calm app is for Sleep, Meditation and Relaxation. It is also the perfect mindfulness app for beginners but includes programmes for intermediate and advanced users. | ||||
![]() | Headspace | Headspace is your guide to everyday mindfulness in just a few minutes a day. |