Stress Control NHS Lothian | Our Services

NOTE: All physical Stress Control classes have been suspended for the foreseeable future.

Relaxation Download

Learning to use Progressive Relaxation

The relaxation CD can be downloaded from the following website:


“Learning to use Progressive Relaxation” can be found in the Anxiety section.

Helpful Websites

www.moodjuice.scot.nhs.uk (self-help materials)

wellbeing-glasgow.org.uk  (for further self-help)

www.moodcafe.co.uk (self-help anxiety and depression)

www.edspace.org.uk (provides information about resources in Edinburgh)

www.mind.org.uk (for fact sheets and mental health information)

www.sleepfoundation.org (an American site providing information about sleep difficulties)

www.livinglifetothefull.com (self-help for depression and anxiety and related mental health issues)

www.nopanic.org.uk (basic information and booklets on anxiety)

www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/about/index.cfm (for free workbooks and resources for varied mental health issues)

www.dial-a-law.org.uk (free online information service for all aspects of legal matters)

www.depressionalliance.org (information about symptoms and treatment of depression)

www.fiveareas.com (provides mental health information and resources)

www.citizensadviceedinburgh.org.uk (general advice)

www.parentingacrossscotland.org (information on parenting issues)

www.dyslexiascotland.org.uk  (Information and support for dyslexia)

http://www.dyspraxiafoundation.org.uk (Information on Dyspraxia)

http://www.autism.org.uk/  (information on Autism)

www.veteransfirstpoint.org.uk/Pages/default.aspx  (One stop shop for veterans and their family including help with mental health issues)

http://edspace.org.uk (information on mental health services available in the Edinburgh Area)