Adult Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) services are provided by NHS Lothian within each Health and Social Care Partnership and the Acute Division.
Anyone can request Speech and Language Therapy including the individual. Information about making a referral is detailed below.
For general enquires please contact:
Lucie McAnespie
Head of Adult SLT Service
0131 446 4151

Adult SLT services are organised into three teams across the Lothians:
- Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
- St John’s Hospital Livingston
- Western General Hospital
Service Lead
Emma McLeod
0131 242 1967
Community and Rehabilitation
- Astley Ainslie Hospital including the Robert Fergusson Unit and Lanfine Service
- East Lothian Community
- Edinburgh Community
- Midlothian Community
Service Lead
Sheena Borthwick
0131 537 9078
Please complete a Community Referral Adult form and send to the address listed on the form to request assistance. A member of the team will then be in touch.
Learning Disability
- Inpatient service
- Specialist teams e.g. Forensic (FAST), Mental Health (MIST)
- Community Learning Disability Teams:
- East Lothian
- North East Edinburgh
- North West Edinburgh
- South East Edinburgh
- South West Edinburgh Specialist teams e.g. Forensic (FAST), Mental Health (MIST)
Service Lead
Lucie McAnespie
0131 446 4151
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