Sleep Medicine NHS Lothian | Our Services

About our Sleep Services

The Department of Sleep Medicine is a dedicated six bed unit situated on the first floor of the RIE where we diagnose and treat a range of sleep disorders.  We are a multi-disciplinary team of Consultants, Speciality Doctors, Physiologist and Nurses. Referrals are received from General Practitioners and hospital doctors from all over Scotland. The Dept. has been established for over 30 years and as well as our Clinical service, we have a dedicated research team:


Patients are diagnosed and treated either during an overnight night stay in the Dept. or at home.

We support over 15,000  community  based patients who   are treated with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or Bilevel (NIV) therapy as well as caring for patients with narcolepsy and parasomnias

There are dedicated Consultant and nurse led sleep clinics held in the RIE each week for new and review patients.

If you think you may have a sleep disorder please see your G.P in the first instance.

If you are an existing Dept. of Sleep Medicine patient and need to contact us:

If you have issues with your CPAP or Bilevel machine contact us:

E-mail: loth.riesleepmedpatientenquiries@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk  or Tel 0131 242 3876 

To cancel or change a new patient Consultant appointment:

Dr. M. Cross’s  secretary:  0131 2423871
Dr. Riha’s secretary:  0131 2423872
Dr. K. Kefala’s, Dr Rabinovich’s and Dr. Derry’s secretary: 0131 2422307