South East Eating Disorders Scotland (SEEDS) dev NHS Lothian | Our Services

South East Eating Disorders Scotland (SEEDS)

Resources for adults living with, or professionals working with, eating disorders.

SEEDS is a managed network of clinicians working in Eating Disorder Services in the South East of Scotland.

These pages were developed by SEEDS as resources for adults living with an eating disorder in the the Lothian, Borders, Forth Valley and Fife regions of Scotland as well as their family, carers and friends and other health care professionals.

Recognising an Eating Disorder

You can’t tell just by looking at someone whether they have an eating disorder or not. The signs can be subtle and often difficult to identify. A person with an eating disorder may also go to great lengths to mask or hide their symptoms from others.

Living with an Eating Disorder

Ways in which you might try to cope with the distress you are facing, and develop strategies to get well and stay well. Exploring the concept of recovery and all the different things that recovery might mean to different people.

Supporting Someone with an Eating Disorder

As a relative, carer or friend of someone with an eating disorder it can be very hard see someone you care about in distress and it can be difficult to know how to help. It is normal to want to have all the solutions, or to want to ‘fix’ the problem for the person. This is not possible, but there are ways in which you can help.

Links and key documents for the attention of Professionals working with people with eating disorders.

Paddle Tennis


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Paddle Tennis


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Paddle Tennis

Further Support

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South East Eating Disorders Scotland (SEEDS) is a managed network of clinicians working in Eating Disorder Services in the NHS across the Lothian, Borders, Forth Valley and Fife regions of Scotland.

These pages provide information on the specialist eating disorder services that exist for adults in South East Scotland.