South East Eating Disorders Scotland NHS Lothian | Our Services

Meals in REDU

Breakfasts, snacks and supper are prepared by the nursing team on the ward.

This will be based on your meal plan agreed with the dietetic team. A chart of the meal plan stages will be discussed with you on admission so that you are aware of how your meal plan will progress throughout your admission.

Lunch and dinner are provided by the main hospital kitchen based in the hospital. Meals are prepared each day by the experienced catering team.

The menus are on a 3 week rota, and you will select your menu choices twice a week when on the ward. Guidelines on how to complete your menus will be in your menu folder.

Patients are requested not to bring any food items onto the ward under any circumstances. This is for a number of reasons:

  • The nutritional content of meal plans are carefully balanced and specific to each individuals requirements.
  • To allow patients to bring in their own foods may maintain an eating disordered behavior.
  • Ensuring a regular stock of a specific food may be difficult if family members are unable to attend the ward regularly therefore leading to problems with patients completing their meal plan.
  • There may be concerns around food safety, storage and reheating items.

In addition to the main kitchen, we have assistance from the chefs in the Diet Bay. These chefs will prepare meals for special diets to meet the needs of patients with specific conditions or cultural preferences. This list is not exhaustive, but covers some of the special diets the chefs can adapt the menu to meet:

Gluten free *

Lactose free*




Other allergies or intolerances*

* The provision of these diets will always be discussed with the dietitian to explore whether this diet is required on medical grounds and is in the best interest of the patient during this admission.