The School Nursing Team contributes as one of the many core NHS Lothian agencies surrounding the child/young person to ensure that they are meeting their full potential. The School Nurse can support to meet unmet health needs of a child/young person through direct intervention or signposting.

The School Nursing Team is made up of:
- Team Managers – band 7.
- Specialist Community Public Health Nurses (SCPHN) – band 6.
- School Nurses – band 5.
- Healthcare Assistants – band 3.
The School Nursing service is governed by the Ten Priority Pathway. However, as part of a wider multidisciplinary team the School Nurse can offer support in a varying degree of areas including:
- Universal Health Screening services
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Emotional and Behavioural Support
- Parental Support
- Health promotion/education, e.g. healthy lifestyles, risk-taking behaviours, etc.
- Nocturnal enuresis – referrals accepted from medical professionals only
- Sexual Health
The School Nursing has a standardised Request for Assistance form that must be completed and returned to the shared mailbox for each specific cluster. Health professionals, schools, third sector agencies and young people above the age of 13 can refer into the school nurse service.