School nurses are registered nurses who work for NHS Lothian. We work with education staff and other services to oversee the health and wellbeing needs of the school aged children and young people within our community.
The school nursing service pathway has 10 key priority areas in which to focus on. These areas are agreed by the Scottish Government and ensure school nurses work with children and young people to benefit their healthy outcomes.
Priority Areas of School Nurse Pathway:
- Emotional health and wellbeing
- Child protection
- Domestic abuse
- Care experienced children and young people
- Homelessness
- Transitions
- Substance misuse
- Sexual health and wellbeing
- Young carers
- Youth justice

If your child attends a complex needs or specialist provision school, they may have a school nurse team based in school. If you need further information on this, you can contact your child’s school.
All information shared with the service is confidential and will only be discussed with another agency if a wellbeing concern is identified. In this case the child, young person, parent or carers will be informed.
School nurses use Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC) framework to assess, and identify needs of the children and families.