School Nursing NHS Lothian | Our Services

Information for children and young people

Primary Schools

A school nurse is a qualified nurse from NHS, who will come to school to support children, young people, and parents. Every school has an allocated NHS nurse.

The school nurse service will screen all children starting primary one, making sure they have their height and weight measured, and have had a recent vision test.

School nurses offer Health Promotion in schools on subjects such as:

  • Handwashing
  • Hygiene
  • Puberty
  • Mental health awareness

School nurses can also be asked to work with children either in a 1-1 setting or in a group. They can attend meetings and support children and young people with health and wellbeing needs.  They can support parents and carers, with issues such as sleep, behaviour, poor diet and many more issues.

Secondary schools

In secondary school, school nurses may see young people individually or in a group setting. Young people can self-refer to the school nurse or ask their parent, carer or guidance teacher to complete a referral.


School nurses can offer support or guidance with:

  • Anxiety/worries
  • Sleep
  • Diet
  • Sexual health and relationships
  • Behaviour
  • Substance misuse
  • Healthy living

We can also signpost to other services that may be helpful.

In some secondary schools there may be a health drop in. The health drop ins will offer the same service and access to a school nurse, however this is more of a self referral. These drop ins mainly happen during lunchtime, or after school and are either within the school setting or nearby in a community setting.

School nurses work with other agencies to support young people with their wellbeing and health. The school nurse will link with Healthy Respect, which is an NHS service, who also offer support and guidance to young people. This can include sexual health and relationships.


School nurses can also do health promotion in classes. This may be part of the curriculum covering sexual health and relationships, or an awareness session on a relevant health issue.