Stop Smoking Support
Stopping smoking is one of the best things you can do for your physical and mental health. It’s never too late to stop smoking, your health will improve soon after you quit.
NHS Inform has advice to support you every step of the way – from getting ready to stop, making a quit plan, and dealing with cravings. It also has information on how to stop smoking if you are pregnant.
All NHS sites are Smoke Free spaces. This means you won’t be able to smoke on NHS grounds if you go to hospital. We can help you have a comfortable hospital stay by providing Nicotine Replacement Therapy, if appropriate. Get in touch with your local service or speak to a member of hospital staff.
Your local pharmacy can support you with nicotine replacement products and provide these for free.
Willpower alone isn’t always enough to stop for good. If you would like support to quit our trained practitioners can guide you through what’s helped other people, and help you figure out what’s most likely to work for you. Practitioners will discuss the medications available to support your quit journey, and if suitable, they can arrange Nicotine Replacement or Varenicline to be prescribed. Support is free and can be face to face or over the phone.
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